tailored to diverse audiences, using ani- mations, voiceovers, and culturally appro- priate visuals to convey critical messages about topics such as disease prevention, vaccination, and hygiene practices. These AI-generated videos can include simplified language, subtitles in multiple languages, and scenarios relatable to specific commu- nities, ensuring inclusivity and clarity. The ability to quickly generate content using AI will allow public health agencies to respond rapidly during crises—such as pandemics or natural disasters—and deliver essential information to populations regardless of literacy levels or language barriers. This approach not only enhances public under- standing but also fosters trust and compli- ance with health guidelines. The National Environmental Health Asso- ciation (NEHA) is thinking about how AI can support environmental health practitioners. In November 2024, Ashish Sharma, NEHA IT director, provided AI webinars. He shared his experience, covered the basic under-
standing of AI and applications in day-to-day work, and provided specific case scenarios for environmental health professionals. To learn more, the recordings are available on the NEHA website at https://www.neha.org/ ai-webinars. I will end this column on a personal note. I mustered up the courage yesterday to try my Tesla’s semi-autonomous driving feature aptly named full self-driving (FSD). It was difficult giving control over to a car even though I am still in the driver’s seat and can take over at any given moment. To my pleas- ant surprise, the ride was smooth and reas- suring. In fact, it made me think about how much safer the roads would be if cars were driving themselves. No road rage, no inex- perienced drivers struggling to learn road rules, no drivers overcome by their emo- tional state, and no drivers worried about getting around at night due to their night vision or other eyesight issues. We continue to grow and advance society with science and technology. So, just like
when computers and the internet brought about incredible positive change, I encourage you to be prepared and to educate and equip yourself with the knowledge to support our communities through advances that once felt straight out of science fiction.
References Bank of America Private Bank. (2025). Arti- ficial intelligence: A real game changer . https://www.privatebank.bankofamerica. com/articles/economic-impact-of-ai.html PwC. (2025). Sizing the prize—PwC’s Global Artificial Intelligence Study: Exploiting the AI revolution . https://www.pwc.com/gx/en/ issues/artificial-intelligence/publications/ artificial-intelligence-study.html
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