NEHA REGIONAL VICE-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE PROFILES I am very fortunate to have been part of a top-notch Health Dept. with dedicated leaders and superb mentors over the years. My sup- portive employment situation has enabled me to become involved in enhancing the profession. I was able to participate on the board of the NJ Environmental Health Association, taking on leadership roles, and eventually serving as NJEHA president. I also have served at the national level with NEHA as a Technical Advisor for Radon/ Radiation, participated as a NEHA reviewer for the HUD Secretary’s Awards for Healthy Homes, and I was selected as a NEHA Regional Vice President, for which I currently serve in region 9. on several NEHA Board of Director Committees. As a national representative to state affiliates, it has been encouraging to observe all the other state affiliates continually engaging in ini- tiatives to enhance understanding and appreciation of environ- mental health with the public. I wish to continue on in my efforts to interface between the state affiliates and NEHA by serving again, if elected, as the NEHA Region 9 Vice President.
I believe we are part of one of the most noble and critically important professions for civilization and I am completely dedi- cated to doing my best for the advancement of environmental pub- lic health.
I have enjoyed serving as the NEHA RVP by interfacing between NEHA and the various state affiliates as well as serving
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March 2025 • Journal of Environmental Health
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