Enhanced Hotel Room Cleaning: Environmental Microbiological Sampling Investigation in a Midscale Hotel Property
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Quiz effective date: March 1, 2025 | Quiz deadline: June 1, 2025
7. Following the hotel room cleaning, sampling was conducted again __
1. Historically, hotel rooms have been linked with major bacterial and viral outbreaks, including outbreaks of a. Legionnaires’ disease. b. Norwalk-like virus. c. severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). d. a and c. e. all of the above. 2. For this study, a microbial sampling of high-touch surfaces was conducted in __ hotel guest rooms in midscale hotel properties in the U.S.
after the room was cleaned to allow an adequate amount of time for cleaners and surface sanitizers to air-dry.
a. 15 min b. 30 min c. 45 min d. 1 hr
8. In general, Staphylococcus aureus counts __ in each of the three areas on all high-touch surfaces sampled in the hotel room.
a. increased b. decreased c. stayed the same
a. 10 b. 15 c. 20 d. 30
9. For coliform testing in the bed area, the log concentrations before cleaning __ after the room was cleaned.
3. The guest traffic area in this study in- cluded all the following surfaces except
a. significantly increased b. significantly decreased c. stayed the same
a. closet door handles. b. drapery pull handles. c. telephone handset. d. climate control panels.
10. Study findings suggest that although some high-touch surfaces in guest rooms receive adequate attention in terms of cleaning, lodging operations need to focus on other high-touch surfaces found in hotel rooms that can serve as a reservoir for microbial contamination, namely the room carpeting. a. True. b. False. 11. The bathroom area had __ in microbial counts and RLU readings after cleaning.
4. The bed area in this study included all the following surfaces except a. lamp switches. b. light switch for the bedroom.
c. remote control keypad. d. top of the nightstand.
5. The bathroom area in this study included all the following surfaces except a. amenity trays. b. doorknob on the outside of the bathroom. c. hair dryer. d. coffee maker. 6. To control for any residual sanitizers that could be present during the sample collection, __ was added to each sample collection tube that was used to collect samples after the room was cleaned.
a. the most significant increases b. the most significant decreases c. no significant changes
12. According to study results, nightstands and bedside clocks/phone docks had the highest levels of contamination before cleaning. a. True. b. False.
JEH Quiz #3 Answers December 2024
1. e 2. b 3. d
4. a 5. e 6. d
7. a 8. d 9. d
10. a 11. c 12. a
a. peptone water b. deionized water c. Dey-Engley Neutralizing Broth d. ethyl alcohol
March 2025 • Journal of Environmental Health
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