NEHA March 2025 Journal of Environmental Health

environmental and public health. One intern stated, “The internship definitely broadened my knowledge scope on what can be done within public health, and it led me to pursue the master’s [degree] I have now.” • Networking and relationship building : The program provided opportunities to build professional relationships. • Positive experience : The program was overall a positive experience. One per- son explained, “My NEPHIP experience has greatly influenced my career choices. Through my internship experience, I gained an appreciation for environmen- tal public health and the importance of food safety. I was able to begin my career in environmental public health knowing that I was equipped to learn and grow in the environment of a state agency.” Another intern shared, “I enjoyed work- ing with my host health department thor- oughly. My experience made me excited to work in a health department elsewhere, and that led me to getting my first job with my degree after I graduated. I am very thankful for the opportunity!” Discussion NEPHIP has positively influenced participant careers by blending academic foundations with practical experience. Interns reported that NEPHIP effectively bridged the gap between theory and real-world application, enhancing skills in communication, criti- cal thinking, and data analysis—competen- cies that are valued across industries and crucial for employability. The program also bolstered resumes and facilitated network- ing and professional connections, although not all interns maintained these connections post-internship, which highlights an area for further investigation. Program impact varied based on career paths. Interns who were pursuing environ- mental or public health roles generally val- ued specific facets of their experience more, while interns who were pursuing other fields still found the foundational skills useful. The shift to virtual internships during the COVID-19 pandemic was well-received for its flexibility and digital skills development, although it lacked the networking benefits of in-person formats. Our data support prior studies that highlight the immersive nature of


Percentage of Interns Indicating That the National Environmental Public Health Internship Program Impacted Skill Development and Career Decisions Either Very Much or a Great Deal

Skill Development and Career Decision Item

Interns Who Chose an Environmental Public Health Career # (%)

Interns Who Chose Another Career Path # (%)

Gain real-world experience to apply to the work environment ( n = 38) Boost resume to improve employability ( n = 39) Help clarify decision to pursue a career in environmental health or public health ( n = 36) * Provide skills relevant to career goals ( n = 39) Help form a connection between coursework and how that applies to the field and workplace ( n = 38) Increase motivation for professional growth ( n = 39) Help to understand behaviors, attitudes, and communication styles within a work setting ( n = 38) Help to see the value of networking to establish professional career-related relationships ( n = 37) Identify personal strengths and weaknesses ( n = 38) Help to understand company culture ( n = 35) * Influence decision to pursue further academic studies in environmental health or public health topics ( n = 35) Help identify organizations with job opportunities ( n = 38) Enhance understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion ( n = 35)

31 (100)

6 (86)

26 (84) 28 (90)

7 (87) 3 (60)

27 (87) 27 (87)

5 (63) 6 (86)

28 (90)

5 (63)

26 (84)

6 (86)

20 (67)

5 (63)

22 (71)

3 (43)

23 (79) 19 (69)

2 (33) 3 (50)

15 (48)

4 (57)

16 (57)

2 (43)

* Denotes significant difference between groups based on Mann– Whitney U test.

ment in environmental and public health. Key themes that emerged include: • Career direction and confirmation : Many interns reported that the experience solidi- fied their career choices or opened new paths in environmental health. One intern noted, “The NEPHIP experience is what influenced me to work in the public envi- ronmental health field upon graduation. It was such an overwhelmingly positive expe- rience that allowed me to experience first- hand the field of environmental health.” • Skill development and practical experi- ence : Interns gained valuable hands-on experience and skills applicable to their future careers. One intern stated, “NEPHIP

set me up for my entire career thus far. The relationships and hands-on experience set an amazing trajectory for me.” • Professional growth and confidence : The internship provided a foundation for career advancement. As one participant noted, “NEPHIP was such an amazing experi- ence. I never knew [it] would have such a direct impact on my life. The tools and experiences acquired established a strong foundation for my career growth, which allowed me to have the courage to take on this new senior-level position within my current agency.” • Expanded understanding of the field : Interns gained a broader perspective on


March 2025 • Journal of Environmental Health

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