NEHA June 2024 Journal of Environmental Health



Spark! Webinar Series While technical skills are essential for performing specific tasks, soft skills enable individuals to eectively collaborate, lead teams, navigate challenges, and communicate ideas. Eective communi- cation, teamwork, adaptability, and leadership are not just desir- able attributes, they are essential for success in both professional and personal spheres. Our members tell us that soft skills devel- opment is an investment in their individual and organizational growth—paving the way for success and fulfillment—that can help them better perform their jobs and become more valuable environmental health professionals. Listening to the needs of our members and living up to our mis- sion to build, sustain, and empower an eective environmental health workforce, we developed the Spark! Webinar Series. Spark! is an ongoing series of members-only webinars geared toward skill building. The webinars are provided in short 30-minute segments to fit the busy schedules of our members. Spark! sessions are taught by professionals from various levels of government, industry experts, and specialists from our sta. This broad range of presenters oers diverse perspectives and exper- tise. Further, the diversity in our presenters enriches the learning experience, provides participants with insight from dierent sec- tors, and allows members to gain exposure to how soft skills can be applied in our profession. Spark! ignites discussions on many of these topics, which amplifies the value of these sessions to the broader NEHA membership. Each Spark! webinar provides 0.5 continuing education contact hours toward maintaining your NEHA credential. These webi- nars are available on our members-only Community platform and recordings of past Spark! webinars are available for members to watch at any time. Community is a dynamic hub for information exchange that fosters real-time communication among our members on essen- tial environmental health topics. By joining Community, our members gain instant access to a wealth of knowledge, engage in vibrant discussions, and become an integral part of ongoing dia- logues about environmental health. It is the quickest way to stay informed, connect with like-minded peers, and actively contrib- ute to the collective expertise within our organization. As of May 1, 2024, Community had 3,322 active users, which is approxi- mately 47% of our membership.

Past Spark! webinars have included: • Eective Communication and Environmental Health » Eective Communication for the Environmental Health Professional » Giving and Receiving Feedback » Leveraging Social Media for Success • Environmental Health Advocacy and Influence » Unlocking Influence: Your Role in Advocating for Environ- mental Health • Environmental Health and Artificial Intelligence » Enhancing Environmental Public Health With Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Parts 1 and 2 • Environmental Health Leadership » Caring Leadership » Conversational Leadership » Leadership Matters » Thought Leadership • Environmental Health Membership and Networking » The Value of Membership • Special Skills » Lens on Environmental Health: Capturing Meaningful and Relevant Photos » So You Want to Be a Consultant in Environmental Health? Upcoming topics for Spark! will include project management, cri- sis communication, and finding a mentor in environmental health. You can learn more about Spark! at If not already a part of our Community platform, you can join at https:// And as Spark! and Community are only for our members, you can join and learn more about the benefits of membership with us at

Image © Adobe Stock: David.


June 2024 • Journal of Environmental Health

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