NEHA October 2023 Journal of Environmental Health

system. This system aimed to strategically score medical needs shelters on multiple operational factors, such as proximity to the shoreline, capacity, stang requirements, access to emergency departments, evacuation routes, feeding options, past hurricane dam- age, and the social vulnerability index score of the surrounding county. By eliminating potential biases inherent in the current rat- ing system, this tool could assist the Pee Dee Public Health Preparedness Team in assign- ing numerical scores that represent the strate- gic value of each medical needs shelter. Immersing in Environmental Health: Igniting Passion for Equitable Practices My internship experience sparked a profound passion within me for the fields of emergency preparedness and risk assessment. The pro- cess of developing the evaluation tool not only captured my interest but also ignited a deep sense of purpose. I became truly passionate about making a significant impact by improv- ing the evaluation tools available for medical needs shelters, knowing that my contributions could positively transform the lives of vulner- able individuals in the Pee Dee Region. I became acutely aware of the critical role that equitable practices play in safeguarding communities, particularly those facing dispro- portionate environmental risks and hazards. The opportunity to be involved in a project that aims to eliminate biases in the current rat- ing system further fueled my drive to ensure fairness and justice in healthcare provision. Moreover, I found myself fully engaged in exploring the complexities of environmental public health principles, health equity models, and mass care and emergency management concepts. This comprehensive understanding deepened my commitment to finding innova- tive solutions and strategies to address environ- mental health challenges not only within med- ical needs shelters but also on a broader scale. Working on this project enabled me to create real and meaningful impacts on individual lives, while also deepening my understanding of the intricate relationship

between environmental health and public health. It fueled my drive to advocate for equity and inclusivity in healthcare, and this unwavering dedication continues to motivate me as I pursue a career focused on enhancing community well-being and fos- tering a healthier, more sustainable future.

exposed me to unique regional challenges. While the absence of in-person engagement was regrettable, the skills and experience I gained from this internship have significantly prepared me for a future career in the environ- mental health profession. As I embark on the final year of my degree and prepare for sub- sequent employment, the invaluable lessons from NEPHIP will undoubtedly guide my path. The Power of a Robust Internship Experience: The Lasting Influence of NEPHIP NEPHIP offered an exceptional experi- ence, even in the face of the virtual limita- tions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Through my placement, I was able to delve into the complexities of environmental health, develop a strategic evaluation system, and refine my skills. The supportive network and valuable insights gained from this intern- ship have shaped my understanding of the environmental health industry, preparing me for future challenges and endeavors. While virtual, NEPHIP served as a transformative stepping stone toward a career dedicated to safeguarding public well-being. About the Author: Tyler Zimmerman is a senior at Central Michigan University majoring in environmental health and safety and minoring in leadership. He was a NEPHIP intern during summer 2022 and completed his internship with the Oce of Public Health Prepared- ness–Pee Dee Region within the South Caro- lina Department of Health and Environmental Control. He is a Leader Advancement Scholar, student body president of Central Michigan University, and recipient of the 2023 Future Alumni Leader Award. Zimmerman is cur- rently employed as an environmental compli- ance assistant with the Department of Risk Management, Environmental Health, and Safety at Central Michigan University. He will graduate with his bachelor of science in 2024. Corresponding Author: Tyler Zimmerman, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleas- ant, MI. Email:

The Leadership Report: A Showcase of Learned Skills and Accomplishments

To culminate my internship, I prepared and delivered a leadership report that showcased my project and its potential implications. This experience pushed me to enhance my presentation, communication, and education skills, which allowed me to eƒectively con- vey the significance of my work. The report garnered interest from senior leadership who expressed enthusiasm for implementing and expanding my project within their respec- tive departments. Mark Hendrix, director of the Oce of Public Health Preparedness–Pee Dee Region, commended the project, stating, “Thanks to this project, our agency now has a means to evaluate sites that have been chosen based on a framework of inclusion and access to potentially vulnerable communities during hurricanes and flooding events. We are con- tinuing to use this to evaluate new sites and adopting this concept to our medical coun- termeasures planning for old and new sites.” This recognition from senior leadership armed the significance of my eƒorts and provided me with a sense of accomplishment and motivation to continue pursuing my pas- sion for creating positive change in the field of environmental public health. Reflecting on a Transformative Internship: A Road Map for Future Aspirations Reflecting on my internship, I am overwhelm- ingly satisfied with the opportunities it pre- sented. Despite the limitations imposed by the remote format, I was fully immersed in my project and the work it entailed. Moreover, being paired with a health department outside my home state broadened my perspective and

Did You Know?

October 12 is Children’s Environmental Health Day. The Children’s Environmental Health Network established the observance to increase the visibility of children’s environmental health issues and empower action. Learn more at


October 2023 • Journal of Environmental Health

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