that lead exposure is harmful to everyone and a ects multiple organs in the body, including the brain, kidneys, liver, blood, and reproductive systems. The video emphasizes that children under 6 years are most vulnerable to lead. In addition, the video takes an in-depth, room-by-room tour of a sample home and points out di erent places that can be a potential source of lead exposure (Figure 2). The content also provides a comprehensive list of occupations and industries known for potential lead exposure and other sources of exposure including toys, jewelry, and cos- metics. The video also shares a list of action items for adolescents to get involved in pre- venting lead exposure. • Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention: Information for the Community The purpose of this video is to show that lead exposure is a major public health problem and to highlight its continuing impact on children and adults (Figure 3). It reviews the sources of lead exposure, the major short- and long-term health out- comes of exposure, and how to help pro- tect children from lead exposure. Some of the highlights include the adverse e ects of lead poisoning by blood lead level and the impact lead exposure has on adults and children. The video describes age-specific developmental impacts on children a ected by lead exposure, from preschool through high school, which include attention deficits to high-risk behaviors. In addition, the video provides information for home buyers, renters, and landlords regarding potential exposures in housing. It also describes lead-safe behav- iors, including dietary recommendations and handwashing (Figure 4). Knowledge and Awareness Is Essential to Prevention Many parents and caregivers of children, as well as the general public, may not be aware that childhood lead poisoning is still a public health threat with long-term negative conse- quences for children, families, and society. The good news is that lead poisoning is prevent- able. Awareness and education are important components for initiating behavior changes and taking actions to prevent lead exposure at the community level (Arlinghaus & Johnston, 2018). These videos take a much-needed step
Definition and Information About Lead
Example of the Room-by-Room Tour of a Home That Points Out Potential Sources of Lead Exposure
include links to resources that can be shared via newsletters, through listservs, and in webinars and conferences. The videos are posted at lead-poisoning-prevention-training.htm. The videos include: • Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Education: Heads Up for High Schoolers
Using graphics and age-appropriate nar- ration, this animated video shows how and where people can be exposed to lead. It also demonstrates how lead poisoning is harmful to children, adolescents, and adults. It begins with a definition of lead (Figure 1) and where it is found in the environment. The content demonstrates
October 2023 • Journal of Environmental Health
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