NEHA October 2023 Journal of Environmental Health


In 2022, this workshop covered an array of pertinent topics, such as building effec- tive resumes, seeking mentorship, under- standing the importance of the Registered Environmental Health Specialist/Registered Sanitarian (REHS/RS) credential and other environmental health credentials, delivering scientific presentations, and building a pro- fessional network. The workshop equipped interns with the practical skills and knowl- edge essential for their future careers in the environmental health field. We also facilitated a virtual networking event exclusively for NEPHIP interns to help them connect with NEHA leaders, mentors, and a†liates. This networking opportunity provided a platform for interns to establish meaningful professional relationships, seek guidance from experienced practitioners, and expand their network within the environ- mental health community. Such connections proved instrumental in fostering mentorship, accessing future opportunities, and build- ing a supportive community of like-minded professionals.

of researchers and practitioners in the field. This access enables interns to stay abreast of the latest research findings, emerging trends, and best practices. Additionally, we provide interns with an extensive continuing professional education portfolio, o‰ering more than 20,000 hours of e-learning opportunities. This compre- hensive educational platform enables interns to enhance their knowledge and skills and ensures they remain up-to-date with the evolving landscape of environmental health. Furthermore, interns benefit from discounted registration fees for the AEC, our flagship event that o‰ers unparalleled networking opportunities and exposure to cutting-edge advancements in the field. To facilitate ongo- ing communication and support, our exclu- sive newsletters keep interns informed about relevant trainings, funding opportunities, inclusion in national environmental pub- lic health workforce surveys, and upcoming events. These resources not only empower NEPHIP interns with the latest industry insights but also assist them in achieving their professional development goals. Support to Participating Environmental Public Health Programs As part of the revised version of NEPHIP, participating environmental public health program host sites receive financial support packages to alleviate the expenses associated with hosting an intern. This support aims to create a more sustainable and accessible internship experience for both the interns and the organizations involved. An exemplary instance of the positive impact of these finan- cial support packages can be seen through the experience of the New Orleans Health Department, which hosted a virtual intern in fall 2022. With the assistance of the support package funds, the department was able to purchase a tablet specifically for the intern’s mentors to use during virtual inspections (Photo 1). The financial package enabled the New Orleans Health Department to facilitate a comprehensive, immersive, and techno- logically adept virtual internship experience, despite the remote setting. For the intern, the opportunity to participate in virtual inspec- tions using advanced technology was a vital experience and provided real-world skills and understanding that they could not have gained otherwise.

Photo 1. Sarah Baker, an environmental health ocer with the New Orleans Department of Health and mentor to a National Environ- mental Public Health Internship Program (NEPHIP) intern, performs an inspection using the tablet provided through the NEPHIP Support Package. Photo courtesy of the New Orleans Department of Health. The tangible benefits of the support pack- ages extended beyond the duration of the internship, leaving a lasting impact on the operations of the health departments. For instance, during a housing inspection of a multi-unit building, the tablet proved to be an asset. The intern’s mentors, accompanied by a representative from the o†ce of code enforcement, used the tablet to document and record the inspection process. The con- venience and e†ciency a‰orded by the tab- let greatly enhanced the inspection experi- ence, surpassing the traditional method of relying on paper forms and clipboards. The significance of this support package did not go unnoticed by the New Orleans Health Department and the individuals involved in the inspection. They expressed their sincere gratitude for the di‰erence the tablet made in their work. In fact, the representative from the o†ce of code enforcement even expressed a touch of envy, recognizing the benefits of using a tablet for inspections in contrast to the more cumbersome paper- based approach. This example highlights the tangible impact of the financial support packages pro- vided through the revised program. By facili-

Sustained Support for Internship Work

Support to Interns Under the revised version of NEPHIP, we pro- vide enhanced coordination and evaluation support to interns, thereby strengthening the experiential learning outcomes of the pro- gram. Our sta‰ play a vital role in assisting interns throughout their internship journey, such as helping them develop impactful pre- sentations and publications based on the suc- cessful outcomes of their projects. This sup- port ensures that interns are equipped with the necessary skills to e‰ectively communicate their findings and contribute to the broader field of environmental health. To further support the professional growth and development of NEPHIP interns, we o‰er a complimentary 1-year membership to our association. This membership grants interns access to an array of valuable resources exclu- sively available to our members. They gain the opportunity to participate in NEHA com- mittees and engage in collaborative e‰orts to shape environmental health policies and practices. Moreover, interns gain access to the Journal of Environmental Health , a peer- reviewed publication tailored to the needs


Volume 86 • Number 3

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