ronmental health leaders. As the mentorship program unfolds, the positive impact it will instill on the careers of NEPHIP interns—and the broader environmental health commu- nity—is eagerly anticipated. With the guid- ance and mentorship of EHLA graduates, the interns are poised to make meaningful contributions to environmental public health initiatives across the nation. In addition to the NEPHIP Career Mentor- ship Program, we also o er NEPHIP interns the opportunity to participate in a virtual career fair. The career fair aimed to support past and current NEPHIP interns by con- necting them with STLT environmental pub- lic health agencies that are recruiting new “The NEPHIP Mentorship Program helped me make meaningful connections and oered valuable career guidance. The mentors in this field were quite exceptional in providing real-life expectations and shared the educational insights and resources needed to become instruments within the environmental health workforce.” – Nikita Nunez, 2023 National Environmental Public Health Internship Program (NEPHIP) Intern
talent. This direct interaction allowed the interns to showcase their skills, knowledge, and passion for environmental public health and make a lasting impression on prospective employers while increasing their chances of securing future employment within environ- mental public health. Additional objectives of the career fair included o ering a networking opportunity to participants and presenting an avenue for STLT environmental public health agencies to promote their work to potential recruits. The career fair provided interns with the oppor- tunity to engage potential employers and gather valuable information about di erent environmental health roles, responsibilities, and career paths. This exposure helped the interns make informed decisions about their career trajectories and gain insight into the skills and qualifications sought by employers in the field. The virtual career fair was successfully hosted in May 2023. The fair featured a vari- ety of exhibitor booths and provided a diverse range of organizations and opportunities for NEPHIP interns. One student with a full-time job expressed satisfaction with the virtual format as it enabled her to attend during her lunch hour. Feedback from attendees high- lighted the openness and interactive nature of the platform. Participants appreciated the freedom to engage with others at their own pace, fostering meaningful connections and networking opportunities. One intern expressed enthusiasm about applying for an open position that was highlighted during the career fair, indicating the tangible impact the event had on their career prospects. Samiah eet e,an ra>$hite, an e=ce5tional un)er,ra)uate 8tu)ent at olora)o tate "niver8it> <ho i8 ma/orin, in biome)ical 8cience8 <ith a concentration in envi ronmental 5ublic health. Her 5a88ion for 5romotin, communit> <ellbein, ha8 5ro5elle) her to<ar)8 remar0able achieve ment8, 8ettin, her on a 5ath to ma0e a la8tin, im5act in the @el). urin, her aca)emic /ourne>, ra>$hite com5lete) a h>bri) intern8hi5 that com bine) both in5er8on an) virtual e=5erienc e8. !hi8 uni6ue o55ortunit> too0 5lace at the room@el) e5artment of ublic Health
Elgazzar, a spring 2023 NEPHIP intern, com- mented that she made many connections at the career fair and is excited to see where those connections lead her. Professional Development and Networking at the NEHA AEC The integration of our AEC into the revised version of NEPHIP has been a pivotal step in maximizing the environmental public health learning experience of NEPHIP interns. This strategic integration has yielded several nota- ble benefits that have empowered interns and equipped them with valuable skills and resources. Foremost, NEPHIP interns were o ered complimentary registration to the AEC. The AEC serves as a platform for aspir- ing and experienced environmental public health professionals to expand their knowl- edge base, acquire industry insights, and develop a deeper understanding of the mul- tifaceted challenges that face environmen- tal health professionals. The complimentary registration granted interns access to a diverse array of educational sessions, workshops, and presentations delivered by esteemed experts in the environmental health field. By immers- ing themselves in this comprehensive learn- ing environment, interns gained exposure to cutting-edge research, emerging trends, and innovative practices that shape the landscape of environmental health. The revised program also o ered travel scholarships to 10 select interns to cover their travel costs to the AEC. Additionally, the revised program o ers NEPHIP interns with complimentary access to a preconference workshop specifically designed for professional development. an) Environment. $ithin thi8 8ettin,, 8he un)ertoo0 a tran8formative 5ro/ect that focu8e) on )evelo5in, a com5rehen8ive <ritten 5lan for a health> home8 5ro,ram 85eci@c to the /uri8)iction. m5re88e) b> ra>$hite8 out8tan) in, 5erformance an) )e)ication, the room@el) e5artment of ublic Health an) Environment offere) her a fulltime 5o8ition. !hi8 e=citin, o55ortunit> allo<8 ra>$hite to further a55l> her 80ill8 an) 0no<le),e to )rive 5o8itive chan,e <ithin the communit> 8he 8erve) )urin, her intern8hi5.
October 2023 • Journal of Environmental Health
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