Empowering Future Environmental Public Health Professionals: A Deep Dive Into the Expanded National Environmental Public Health Internship Program
Reem Tariq, MSEH Adrienne Gothard, MPH Jesse Bliss, MPH, PhD David Dyjack, DrPH, CIH National Environmental Health Association
T he environmental public health work- force plays a crucial role in safeguard- ing the well-being of communities. These dedicated professionals lead eorts to assess and manage risks, ensure safe wa- ter and sanitation, support the prevention and control of communicable diseases, en- sure food safety, conduct vector control, and contribute to emergency preparedness and response eorts (Gerding et al., 2019). In recent years, however, the environmental public health workforce has faced an alarm- ing decline in both numbers and resources (National Association of County and City Health Ocials, 2019). This decline has se- rious implications for the quality and cover- age of environmental public health services. Responding to a growing number of emer- gencies and managing routine public health functions will be gravely challenging without an adequate workforce. One way to address this challenge is to develop and support an internship program that serves as a pipeline from environmen- tal health education to practice (Bouye et al., 2016). Internship programs play a crucial role in supporting the transition from the classroom to professional careers in environ- mental public health. Internships provide stu- dents with valuable practical experience and the opportunity to apply theoretical knowl- edge in real-world settings. These programs oer opportunities to develop essential skills, expand professional networks, and gain expo- sure to dierent areas of public health, which ultimately enhance the readiness of students to enter the workforce (Ryan & Hall, 2022). Through internships, aspiring environmen- tal public health professionals can close the divide between education and practice.
The National Environmental Health Asso- ciation (NEHA) has partnered with the National Center for Environmental Health within the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to oer the National Envi- ronmental Public Health Internship Program (NEPHIP) to support the pipeline by oering environmental health students the opportu- nity to partake in a hands-on environmental public health internship experience. This CDC-funded workforce initiative helps envi- ronmental public health students gain valu- able work experience, develop meaningful professional relationships, and introduce students to the diverse and rewarding career opportunities that exist in state, tribal, local, and territorial (STLT) governmental public health agencies following graduation. Through NEPHIP, we collaborate with environmental public health academic programs that are accredited through the National Environmental Health Science and Protection Accreditation Council (EHAC) to place students with qualified public health agencies for a 400-hr paid internship that oers hands-on environmental public health experience at STLT public health agencies. The internship program also enables stu- dents to gain credit hours for coursework, partake in an independent project for their portfolio, network with environmental pub- lic health professionals for career guidance and opportunities, and find a passion for a specific direction in environmental health. NEPHIP benefits both students and public health agencies. For students, it provides hands-on experience, exposure to real-world challenges, and the opportunity to apply their knowledge in a professional setting, which enhances their skills and employabil-
ity. For public health agencies, the program oers access to fresh perspectives, a pool of talented individuals, and the chance to cul- tivate a pipeline of skilled professionals who can contribute to the mission of their agency and address public health needs eectively. Widening the Horizons In 2022, we introduced an expanded and revised version of NEPHIP, aiming to pro- vide additional benefits and opportunities for professional and career development. The enhanced program now oers interns the flexibility to choose from multiple internship cohorts throughout the year, including sum- mer, fall, or spring, in contrast to exclusively oering summer internships. Additionally, the number of student interns selected from EHAC-accredited institutions per academic year has also increased, providing support for up to 50 individuals. “Like striped caterpillars that metamorphize into beautiful monarch butterflies, the National Environmental Public Health Internship Program is crafted to accelerate the development of environmental public health students from learners into thriving, eective professionals.” – David Dyjack, DrPH, CIH, Executive Director, National Environmental Health Association
Volume 86 • Number 3
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