that their decontamination process worked (Kuhn, Walker, Whiley, et al., 2021). The environmental health profession should advocate for these processes to be conducted by independent businesses to ensure no con- flict of interest and resulting bias. The methods being used for testing by indus- try members are also problematic. Often there are no standardized methodologies and the presumptive test kits or lateral flow assays com- monly used have lower limits of detection than reported by manufacturers (Kuhn et al., 2023). This lack of standardization can unnecessarily increase stress and anxiety for homeowners or residents. Presumptive test kits should be used as a screening tool, not as the basis of a remedia- tion plan or decontamination validation. Envi- ronmental health professionals should be aware of this limitation and advise that quantitative testing should be conducted for any positive results from presumptive testing. There are also several uncertainties that must be considered when assessing the pub- lic health risks associated with managing
methamphetamine contamination. Future research is needed to inform best practices. For example, exposure time is one of the essential factors that can a ect the health outcome of the individual; thus, contamina- tion within residential properties is a main concern. People, especially young children, spend a significant portion of their time every day in the home (Wright et al., 2020). Resi- dues in public places, such as shops or public restrooms, are less of a concern due to the relatively short exposure time in that space. A syndrome name will both facilitate the col- lation of information and raise awareness of thirdhand methamphetamine exposure, which will support the e orts of the environ- mental health profession to regulate this pub- lic health threat and protect public health. Conclusion There are many gaps in knowledge currently regarding environmental contamination with methamphetamine from use and manufac- ture, as well as unknowns of adverse health
e ects associated with methamphetamines. Future research is needed to further charac- terize the symptoms and potential long-term consequences of thirdhand methamphet- amine exposure to human health. Our pro- posed syndrome definition and acronym of THEM syndrome will focus future research; provide a searchable keyword; and enable rel- evant studies to be more easily identified and tracked by medical professionals, research- ers, and government ocials. Acknowledgements: The authors thank Dr. David Everett for his input. The first author was funded by the Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship; oth- erwise, there was no external funding for this article. Furthermore, the authors declare no conflict of interest. Corresponding Author: Emma J. Kuhn, Col- lege of Science and Engineering, Flinders University, Adelaide, SA, 5001, Australia. Email:
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