NEHA October 2023 Journal of Environmental Health


ment and include details in their emergency operation plans.

It is not easy for the field of national emer- gency management to fully practice inte- grated emergency management, as it requires a diverse array of personnel and resources plus time and e ort (WHO, 2014). Thus, the extent of integrated emergency management depends on national circumstances. Further- more, by referencing the situation in Korea, neighboring nations must realize that inte- grated emergency management with public health communication is a basic requirement for addressing mosquito-borne diseases. More specifically, when neighboring nations face diŒculties dealing with mos- quito-borne diseases, they must initiate the evaluation and eventual implementation of appropriate integrated emergency manage- ment both institutionally and functionally. The institutional aspect includes three sub- factors: governments, researchers, and local communities. Similarly, the functional aspect includes three subfactors: chemical, biologi- cal, and environmental management. Any missing or problematic subfactors must be resolved for mosquito-borne diseases to be appropriately addressed. Moreover, neighboring nations need to further expand their international networks to address transnational mosquito-borne dis- ease emergencies. Exchanging appropriate information and knowledge in a timely man- ner might fully address public health con-

cerns and zoonosis in the region. Based on these networks, related integrated emergency management can be sustained institutionally and functionally, and with a long-term per- spective (Bourtzis et al., 2016). Conclusion This article highlights the importance of integrated emergency management of mos- quito-borne diseases by examination of the current situation in Korea. As a key theme, Korea should change its centralized chemi- cal response to an integrated emergency management response. Similarly, the nation should consider mosquito-borne diseases as an emergency for mosquito control rather than an annual activity or a normal occur- rence. This approach could lead to a faster way to improve public health in Korea. Neighboring nations may use lessons from Korea as an opportunity to evaluate their own situation, including their current emer- gency management system and handling of mosquito-borne diseases. Corresponding Author: Kyoo-Man Ha, Fac- ulty of Resilience, Rabdan Academy, Al Dhafeer Street, Abu Dhabi, 114646, United Arab Emirates. Email:,

Environmental Management In a natural environment, water is collected in new or unanticipated places during hot sum- mers, and this standing water can breed mos- quitoes or cause related disease emergencies. These locations include roadside ditches, back- yards, damaged structures, decorative ponds, discarded tires, fallen trees, and waste disposal sites. As standing water is a major source of breeding mosquitoes, it should be completely drained, or drained as much as possible. In this context, Korea needs to more extensively or regularly clean not only standing water but also debris and then maintain the area as needed. Due to climate change, including warmer tem- peratures and heavier precipitation, the inci- dence of mosquito-borne diseases has signifi- cantly increased. Additionally, due to frequent travel, mosquito-borne viruses such as the Zika virus have spread more widely over many regions (Fernandes et al., 2018). In other words, the international community increas- ingly is a ected by mosquito-borne diseases. Therefore, the topic of mosquito-borne dis- eases or related emergencies is not a regional public health issue but rather a global one. Implications to Neighboring Nations


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Volume 86 • Number 3

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