NEHA September 2024 Journal of Environmental Health


One of the resources oŒered by the Collaborative is the Food Code Adoption Toolkit. Adopting the Food and Drug Adminis- tration Food Code can be a long and challenging process that can vary widely between jurisdictions due to diŒering administrative procedures and rulemaking processes. This toolkit outlines a path to Food Code adoption. The toolkit provides overarching steps or phases and recom- mended actions to take during the adoption process. To help jurisdictions, it includes relevant resources such as templates and examples; signed letters of support; vetted resources to support part- nerships with industry and the training of regulatory staŒ; advice, best practices, and lessons learned; and tools and information for talking to decision-makers such as legislators and board members. More information about the Collaborative and the tools and resources it oŒers can be found at www.retailfoodsafetycollabor

Credit: Image @ Adobe Stock: auremar.

We currently have eight active policy statements about food safety: • Enrollment and Conformance With the Voluntary National Retail Food Regulatory Program Standards of the Food and Drug Administration • Food and Drug Administration Model Food Code • Food Freedom Operations • Food Safety • Food Safety Related to Consumable Cannabis Products • Point-of-Service Food Inspection Disclosure • Raw Milk • Uniform and Integrated Food Safety System Adoption You can find these policy statements at Food Code Adoption Toolkit From the Retail Food Safety Regulatory Association Collaborative The Retail Food Safety Regulatory Asso- ciation Collaborative brings together rep- resentatives from seven member organi- zations with a role in improving retail food safety in the U.S. The Collaborative leverages its combined strengths and resources to create and share tools and resources that food safety programs can use to improve food safety in their jurisdictions. The Collaborative is made up of the following organizations and agencies: • Association of Food and Drug OŠcials • Association of State and Territorial Health OŠcials • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention • Conference for Food Protection • Food and Drug Administration • National Association of County and City Health OŠcials • National Environmental Health Association

Professional Food Manager Certificate

Our Professional Food Manager Cer- tificate is ideal for culinary hospitality professionals and students, as well as individuals who are required to have a food safety manager certification by law. We oŒer many resources to help professionals and students earn this certificate. These materials contain the best advice for keeping food safe from health inspectors and subject matter experts and provide current guidance from federal agencies.

We are pleased to announce a new edition of our Professional Food Manager textbook and online course. The new edition pre- pares you with the knowledge needed to pass the ANSI/CFP- accredited Certified Food Protection Manager exam. The textbook also helps professionals ensure the successful implementation of food safety best practices in the workplace. The updated text- book contains new content and terminology, including the latest science-based guidance from the 2022 Food and Drug Adminis- tration Food Code . Furthermore, it includes discussion questions at the end of each chapter to simulate real-life application of the principles presented in the text and new assessment questions at the end of each chapter to help check for understanding. The text- book is also oŒered as an e-book. Our textbook and online course are also oŒered in Spanish. We are currently in the process of updating the Spanish resources to the 2022 Food Code . To learn more about our Professional Food Manager resources and certification, visit certificate.


September 2024 • Journal of Environmental Health

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