NEHA September 2024 Journal of Environmental Health


• Technical assistance on outbreak investiga- tion from CDC subject matter experts • Online and in-person training on outbreak investigation and reporting data to NEARS • Annual reports summarizing NEARS data for each individual participating program • A data management system for data from outbreak investigations • Opportunities to learn from more experi- enced NEARS users • Opportunities to collaborate to analyze and publish NEARS data CDC has released several sets of find- ings and recommendations for improved food safety based on analysis of environ- mental assessment data reported to NEARS. For example, one set identified the top root causes of Clostridium perfringens outbreaks and another found that strong food safety policies and training mitigated the size of norovirus outbreaks. CDC will continue to use NEARS data to inform foodborne out- break prevention. Summary Data from environmental assessments on the root causes of foodborne outbreaks are valu- able to stopping and preventing such out- breaks. CDC provides resources to assist envi- ronmental health investigators in conducting

Quick Links

• Environmental Assessment Training Series (EATS): safety/php/training/eats.html • Identifying Root Causes of Outbreaks: investigations/root-causes.html • Finding Contributing Factors to Outbreaks: training/from-inspector-to-investigator.html • Integrated Food Safety Centers of Excellence: • National Environmental Assessment Reporting System: food-safety/php/investigations/nears.html • Summaries of Our Research Findings on Outbreak Investigations: restaurant-food-safety/php/data-research/investigation-summaries.html • Summaries of Our Research Findings on Restaurant Practices: restaurant-food-safety/php/data-research/practice-summaries-plain-language.html

these assessments. CDC also manages a sur- veillance system that captures environmental assessment data of outbreak investigations from health departments. CDC encourages all environmental health programs to take advantage of these resources. Corresponding Author: Laura Brown, Behav- ioral Scientist, Division of Environmental Health Science and Practice (DEHSP), Water, Food, and Environmental Health Services

Branch (WFEHSB), Centers for Disease Con- trol and Prevention. Email: Reference Dewey-Mattia, D., Manikonda, K., Hall, A.J., Wise, M.E., & Crowe, S.J. (2018). Surveillance for foodborne disease out- breaks—United States, 2009–2015. Mor- bidity and Mortality Weekly Report, Surveil- lance Summaries , 67 (10), 1–11. https://doi. org/10.15585/mmwr.ss6710a1

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Volume 87 • Number 2

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