NEHA September 2024 Journal of Environmental Health


Learn More About the Public Health Assessment Process


Plan to Modernize the Public Health Assessment Basic Course

modernized training, ATSDR is working to determine the feasibility of developing addi- tional trainings, including subject-specific mini-courses. Corresponding Author: CDR Michelle Dit- trich, Environmental Health Scientist, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Email: Reference Burk, T., Mellard, D., Ulirsch, G.V., & Li, Z. (2022). Public Health Assessment Site Tool and a’liated applications: A key resource for evaluating the health impacts of commu- nity exposure to hazardous chemicals. Jour- nal of Environmental Health , 85 (4), 40–42. • Online Public Health Assessment Training: training/pha-training-section1.html • Public Health Assessment Guidance Manual: guidance/index.html • Community Engagement Playbook: index.html

Current State Basic Course (Outdated) Online Trainings

Review Basic Course Conceptual and High- Level Suggestions for Content and Instructional Design

Consult Work Group Detailed Suggestions for Content and Instructional Design

Review Basic Course (and Other Assets) Content and Instructional Design

Analyze Results and Develop Recommendations Summary of Focus Groups Summaries of Work Group Suggestions by Broad Topic Area Synthesized Summary of Input Proposed Plan to Modernize the Basic Course

ATSDR Feedback and Decisions

Develop New Version of In-Person Training Prepare Drafts (e.g., Syllabus, Logistical Notes, Outlines, Exercises, Other Content as Needed for Segments in the Training) Respond to Feedback Prepare Final Version for ATSDR Implementation

Note. ATSDR = Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.

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Volume 87 • Number 2

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