NEHA September 2024 Journal of Environmental Health


Second, data reported to the Indiana Department of Health are often incomplete, leading to low-quality race and ethnicity data. Despite data cleaning eorts to enhance the quality of case investigation demographic data, 10.9% of cases and 19.5% of controls in our analysis had an unknown race, and 23.8% of cases and 30.6% of controls had an unknown ethnicity. Third, our study was able to assess out- door air pollution exposure only, as indoor air pollution levels were unable to be obtained. Indoor air pollution exposure is expected to vary widely and would greatly aect the actual dose of the measured pol- lutants for the study population (Serafini et al., 2022). Fourth, the data were found to have expo- sure variables with low variability. Within

the study dataset, average O 3 had a range of 0.03 ppm and average CO had a range of 0.28 ppm. These variables had low variability for the sampled counties; as such, these vari- ables were determined to be poor predictors of mortality from COVID-19 and thus were excluded from the models. Conclusion This study identified an increased risk of death from COVID-19 in relation to each 1 μg/m 3 increase in PM 2.5 at the popula- tion level, and in relation to each 1 μg/m 3 increase in PM 10 in individuals with a previ- ously diagnosed chronic lung disease. Addi- tionally, our study found a protective asso- ciation for COVID-19 mortality per every 1 ppb of NO 2 . More research is required to further investigate these associations and to

support policy change eorts to strengthen air pollution regulation.

Acknowledgments: The authors acknowl- edge Thomas Duszynski, MPH, PhD, CPH; Jianjun Zhang, MD, PhD; Hailey Vest, MPH; Darren Frank, MPH; Jennifer Brown, MPH, DVM, DACVPM; Kelly White, MPH, CPH; Ronald Clark; the members of the Indiana Department of Health CDC Reporting Team; and everyone who participated in the 2020 Indiana Department of Health COVID-19 response. Your tireless work and support have made this eort possible.

Corresponding Author: Anna E. Heilers, Indi- ana Department of Health, 2 North Meridian

Street, Indianapolis, IN 46204. Email:


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