NEHA March 2024 Journal of Environmental Health



Exploring Perceptions on Climate Change Through the American Climate Metrics Survey, 2016–2019 FEATURED ARTICLE QUIZ #5

A vailable to those with an active National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) membership, the JEH Quiz is offered six times per calendar year and is an easily accessible way to earn continuing education (CE) contact hours toward maintaining a NEHA credential. Each quiz is worth 1.0 CE. Completing quizzes is now based on the honor system and should be self-reported by the credential holder. Quizzes published only during your current credential cycle are eligible for CE credit. Please keep a copy of each completed quiz for your records. CE credit will post to your account within 3 business days. Paper or electronic quiz submissions will no longer be collected by NEHA staff. INSTRUCTIONS TO SELF-REPORT A JEH QUIZ FOR CE CREDIT 1. Read the featured article and select the correct answer to each JEH Quiz question. 2. Log in to your MyNEHA account at home. 3. Click on Credentials located at the top of the page. 4. Select Report CEs from the drop-down menu. 5. Enter the date you finished the quiz in the Date Attended field. 6. Enter 1.0 in the Length of Course in Hours field. 7. In the Description field, enter the activity as “ JEH Quiz #, Month Year” (e.g., JEH Quiz 5, March 2024). 8. Click the Create button.

 Quiz effective date: March 1, 2024 | Quiz deadline: June 1, 2024

c. 80%; 87% d. 87%; 80% 7. Of the NEHA members who indicated concern about climate change in the 2019 survey, __ reported being “very concerned.”

1. Climate change negatively affects human health through a. air quality and wildfires. b. extreme heat, drought, extreme storms, and floods. c. vectorborne illnesses. d. all of the above. e. none of the above. 2. In a 2022 poll of U.S. adults, __ of the respondents affected by extreme weather events in the past 5 years saw climate change as a major issue. a. 46% b. 64% c. 77% d. 86% 3. The environmental public health workforce continues to encounter barriers such as __ that often hinder them from taking a more active role in climate mitigation and adaptation. a. a lack of funding, resources, and support b. a lack of knowledge and community trust c. competing priorities d. a and b e. all the above 4. The American Climate Metrics Survey (ACMS) explores the perceptions of climate change and its effects. a. True. b. False. 5. A sample of __ self-selected National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) members participated in the 2019 ACMS. a. 124 b. 258 c. 277 d. 383 6. From the 2019 ACMS, __ of NEHA members and __ of the U.S. public believed that climate change is happening.

a. 45% b. 58% c. 62% d. 78% 8. Compared with U.S. public

respondents, __ NEHA members believed that climate change will

harm low-income households, urban communities, rural communities, future generations, and the U.S. a. more b. less c. approximately the same percentage of 9. In regard to the impact of climate action, __ of NEHA members from the 2019 ACMS responded that climate change solutions will improve our health “some extent” or “a lot.” a. 65% b. 66% c. 72% d. 73% 10. NEHA members were more likely to agree than the U.S. public about the importance of prioritizing economic growth over acting on climate change. a. True. b. False. 11. Over the survey years, more than __ of NEHA members strongly supported modernizing the electric grid.

a. 80% b. 85% c. 90% d. 95%

JEH Quiz #3 Answers December 2023

12. __ U.S. public respondents than NEHA members agreed that preventing climate change will lower energy costs.

1. b 2. a 3. a

4. e 5. c 6. d

7. c 8. a 9. d

10. d 11. b 12. a

a. Significantly more b. Significantly less

a. 75%; 77% b. 77%; 75%


March 2024 • Journal of Environmental Health

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