NEHA June 2023 Journal of Environmental Health


• CP-FS Online Review Course • Environmental Health and Land Reuse Certificate Program • Professional Food Manager (in both English and Spanish) • Professional Food Handler HACCP Training Though our online store you can access a variety of HACCP train- ings that we have available. The courses are self-paced and include a test after each module. These trainings include: • HACCP Basics for Processors and Manufacturers • HACCP Basics for the Bottled Water Industry • HACCP Basics for the Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce Industries • HACCP for Food Handlers • HACCP: Managing Food Safety at the Retail Level Journal of Environmental Health

Image © Adobe Stock: fizkes.

E-Learning Our E-Learning is an online education platform that contains a library of trainings and webinars that are free to our members and can be used to earn continuing education contact hours toward a NEHA credential. The E-Learning category in our store is where members can peruse and select courses that we oer. Once mem- bers check out with their selected courses, instructions are emailed on how to view the courses through our online learning manage- ment system. Details about our E-Learning and how it works can be found at Our most popular E-Learning oerings are the recorded sessions from recent AECs. Currently, members can access recordings from the 2018, 2019, 2021, and 2022 AEC in topic areas including chil- dren’s environmental health, climate and health, data and technol- ogy, emergency preparedness and response, environmental justice, food safety, general environmental health, healthy communities, infectious and vectorborne diseases, water quality, workforce and leadership, and more. Our members can access hundreds of hours of continuing education at their own time and from the comfort of their homes or o‡ces. NEHA Partner Courses and Webinars We also have categories in our store for NEHA Partner Courses and Webinars. These resources are available to anyone and are a part of our E-Learning. You can find courses and webinars on topics including body art, food safety, private wells, radon, recreational waters, vector control, and more. In June 2022, the NEHA-FDA Retail Flexible Funding Model (RFFM) Grant Program hosted the Retail Program Standards Symposium. You can find the recorded sessions from that symposium—with up to 15 hours of continuing education—under the NEHA Webinars category. Also in the NEHA Webinars category is a recent 5-part webinar series we hosted: 2022 Surveillance, Treatment, and Well Testing Approaches for Safe Groundwater and Private Wells. Certification Courses We oer several online certification and credential courses in our store. These online trainings help you prepare for a certification or credential without having to travel or attend an in-person training.

Finally, our online store gives our members and others access to a decade of electronic issues of the Journal of Environmental Health (call the E- Journal ). Our members can purchase E- Journal issues at no cost. For nonmembers, the price of an E- Journal issue is $15. Once purchased, an email is sent with a link to access the issue. Depending on how old the issue is, you will either receive a link to a PDF of the issue or a link to an interactive version of the issue. The interactive version can be read on any computer, smartphone, tablet, or other mobile device. It contains all the same great content of the print Journal and allows you to: • Access web links and email addresses found in articles, advertis- ing, and listings.

• Quickly find information using the search feature. • Bookmark pages and articles for quick reference. • Download the full issue as a PDF for o¢ine reading. • Print desired pages or the complete issue.

As we hope you can see, there are so many dierent resources in our online store just waiting for you to explore. From reference books to online trainings to past issues of the Journal , our online store has something for everyone as we strive to build, sustain, and empower an eective environmental health workforce. Check it out at!


June 2023 • Journal of Environmental Health

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