The mission of the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) is to build, sustain, and empower an eective environ- mental health workforce. We strive to do that through many dierent ways—including our Annual Educational Conference (AEC) & Exhibition, advocacy for the profession, webinars and trainings, resources and guides, credentialing, our Journal of Environmental Health , and much more. Our online store is also a hidden treasure of resources that can help you further your knowledge and career. Behind the link to our online store—www.neha.org/store—is a wealth of resources available (some at no cost to our members). These resources go beyond just books and include a wide variety of items that we have currated for enviornmental health profession- als. We wanted to shine a spotlight on all that is available through our online store. The online store oers several dierent categoies you can explore to find a variety of resources oered. NEHA Bookstore Within the NEHA Bookstore category—similar to most traditional online stores—we oer a selection of currated books and study guides that are geared toward helping environmental health pro- fessionals prepare for one of our credential examinations. Many of the books oered are recommended references to supplement the study guides we oer. The books are also a valuable resource for personal and health department libraries. And we oer discounted rates for our members on most of the books. Resources for Our Credentials For our credentials, you can find in this category: • Resources for the Registered Environmental Health Special- ist/Registered Sanitarian (REHS/RS) credential, including our recently updated study guide and an online practice exam.
• Resources for the Certified Professional–Food Safety (CP-FS) credential, including our study guide and flash cards, both avail- able in print or electronically. • The study guide for the Certified in Comprehensive Food Safety (CCFS) credential. Other Resources You can also find valuable food safety resources related to HACCP (hazard analysis critical control point) programs and food manager and food handler certifications. Rounding out the NEHA Bookstore category is a selection of tried and true refer- ence books to help further knowledge in specific areas of envi- ronmental health: • Handbook of Environmental Health, Volumes 1 and 2 : Covers envi- ronmental health factors in the indoor and outdoor environments. • Environmental Engineering : A definitive resource for genera- tions of environmental health and environmental engineer- ing professionals. • Control of Communicable Diseases Manual : Now in its 21st edi- tion, this manual is the most widely recognized reference on public health prevention of infectious diseases. • Disaster Field Manual for Environmental Health Specialists : A rec- ognized and useful field guide for environmental health profes- sionals following a disaster.
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