Resource Corner highlights dierent resources the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) has available to meet your education and training needs. These resources provide you with information and knowledge to advance your professional development. Visit our online bookstore at for additional information about these and many other pertinent resources!
CP-FS Study Guide (4th Edition) National Environmental Health Association (2022)
Management and Supervisory Practices for Environmental Professionals: Basic Principles, Volume I (4th Edition) Herman Koren and Alma Mary Anderson (2021)
The National Environmental Health Asso- ciation (NEHA) has released an updated edition of the Certified Professional–Food Safety (CP-FS) Study Guide . The fourth edi- tion of the study guide has been updated to the current FDA Food Code and includes information and requirements from the Food Safety Modernization Act. It was developed by retail professionals to help
The fourth edition of this bestseller pro- vides up-to-date information for newly promoted or management-aspiring profes- sionals and engineers in the fields of envi- ronmental health, occupational health and safety, water and wastewater treatment, public health, and other environmental professions. The book is also an excellent resource for students interested in learn- ing management skills prior to entering
prepare candidates for the NEHA CP-FS credential exam with in- depth content, an examination blueprint, practice test, and many helpful appendices. The study guide is the go-to resource for stu- dents of food safety and food safety professionals in both regulatory agencies and industry. Chapters in the new edition include causes and prevention of foodborne illness, HACCP plans, cleaning and sanitizing, facility and plan review, pest control, inspections, food- borne illness outbreaks, sampling food for laboratory analysis, food defense, responding to food emergencies, and legal aspects of food safety. Also now available as an e-book!
the workforce. Through nine sets of tools, the first volume explains the basic principles supervisors need to understand the structure of their organization, what leadership is, how to eec- tively plan and budget, how to manage other people, and best practices for achieving success in a management position. 258 pages, paperback Member: $49/Nonmember: $56 Management and Supervisory Practices for Environmental Professionals: Advanced Competencies, Volume II (4th Edition) Herman Koren and Alma Mary Anderson (2021)
358 pages, spiral-bound paperback Member: $199/Nonmember: $229
Control of Communicable Diseases Manual (21st Edition) Edited by David L. Heymann, MD (2022)
The fourth edition of this bestseller pro- vides up-to-date information for newly promoted or management-aspiring profes- sionals and engineers in the fields of envi- ronmental health, occupational health and safety, water and wastewater treatment, public health, and other environmental professions. The book is also an excellent resource for students interested in learn- ing management skills prior to entering
The 21st edition of the Control of Communi- cable Diseases Manual ( CCDM ) was updated to include new chapters on SARS-CoV-2, Zika virus, and many other pathogens and infectious diseases. This landmark publica- tion is essential to people working in and around public health. The manual is one of the most widely recognized sourcebooks on infectious diseases and provides detailed, accurate, and informative text for public
the workforce. The second volume explains the advanced prin- ciples that supervisors need to understand the art of communica- tions and resolving communications problems, as well as the role of supervisors and managers in teaching, counseling, and manag- ing employee performance, health, and safety. 276 pages, paperback Member: $49/Nonmember: $56
health workers. Each listing is easy to read and includes identifi- cation, infectious agent, occurrence, mode of transmission, incu- bation period, susceptibility, and resistance. The CCDM is a study reference for the NEHA Registered Environmental Health Special- ist/Registered Sanitarian and Certified Professional–Food Safety credential exams. 750 pages, paperback Member: $75/Nonmember: $85
June 2023 • Journal of Environmental Health
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