NEHA June 2023 Journal of Environmental Health

Resources From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


Screenshot of the Environmental Justice Dashboard Home Page

• Environmental Justice Dashboard: Applications/ejdashboard • Data Explorer: https://ephtracking. • National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network: https://

the EJ Dashboard around areas of increased precipitation and flooding, alongside data about impervious (paved) surfaces. Precipita- tion in areas with highly impervious surfaces can overwhelm sewer systems, which can lead to flooding and potential pollution in drinking water. These data also can be used to better plan city roads and drainage systems in the future. You can also use the EJ Dashboard to inform health policy change. Commu- nity stories are compelling and important to share for others to understand the lived experiences of people who live in commu- nities that face environmental injustices. Many organizations, however, also need to supplement their stories with quantitative data. You can use data on the EJ Dashboard to apply for a state or community grant, such as funding for a new park. Data on access to parks, adults reporting “not good” men- tal health days, and impervious surfaces, for example, can be helpful in writing your grant narrative. You might also discover information on the EJ Dashboard that you would like to fur- ther research. For example, by exploring the EJ Dashboard, you might discover interest- ing trends in PM 2.5 (outdoor particles associ- ated with air pollution) and asthma in your area. You might ask, “Are there clusters of high PM 2.5 concentration in the same areas where there is a high percent of adults with asthma?” You can also look at other data, such as proximity to parks and other social determinants of health, in your research. All data on the EJ Dashboard are available on the CDC Data Explorer for download and further exploration.

Note: Users can enter their ZIP Code or county into the dashboard to get personalized data related to environmental justice issues in their communities.


Example of Maps and Infographics Found on the Environmental Justice Dashboard

Note: Users can view mapped data alongside infographics and contextual information important to environmental justice.

continued on page 32


June 2023 • Journal of Environmental Health

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