Body Art Model Code Adoption Toolkit

Body Art Model Code Adoption Guide

Adoption Propose the Changes

When you are ready to officially present your proposal to decision makers such as a Board of Health, state legislature, or city, local, state, territorial, or tribal council(s), neatly package materials that include: • Background on body art and the need for adoption of BAMC • Detail of proposed changes • Supporting documents created or gathered • Justification and scientific rationale of the proposed regulations Attend and Host Public Meetings Depending on the jurisdiction’s administrative procedures, there will likely be one or more public meetings. Attend these meetings and continue to promote the BAMC adoption using supporting materials and your subject matter expertise. Hosting public meetings can also help bring community voices together and should be included throughout the lifecycle of code adoption. They can include meetings for industry about regulation decisions early in the process, or public comment periods on regulations before implementing. Below are resources about how to organize meetings, ensure engagement, and collect feedback. Conduct an effective public hearing. • Chapter 33. Conducting a Direct Action Campaign | Section 13. Conducting a Public Hearing | Main Section | Community Tool Box ( • Follow ADA’s Effective Communication Requirements. Solicit public comments. To ensure the public comment period is successful, ensure it is advertised in relevant places and it is easy to submit comments and ask questions or clarification. Be sure to advertise the public comment periods on relevant platforms. • How It Works — Public Comment Project

It is important to have public hearings before making changes to your code. Reach out to regulators that would be impacted by his decision. Reach out to body artists to have separate discussions with them. Have conversation with the people who are impacted. - Katherine Martinez, REHS “

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