As PEHA continues to grow, it will work toward identifying and addressing issues important to environmental health in Pennsyl- vania to ensure that its initiatives are relevant and impactful in their state. Furthermore, the aliate aims to raise public aware- ness about its mission and values to build a strong and supportive network of allies and partners. As the aliate grows and evolves, it will continue to adapt to the changing needs of its members and communities to ensure long-term success and sustainability. Overall, the establishment of the new aliate is a significant achievement that promises to bring numerous benefits to its mem- bers and the communities they serve. With a clear vision, dedi- cated leadership, and active member participation, the chapter is well-positioned to make a lasting impact. Contact information for PEHA can be found on page 45. We are excited about the bright future for PEHA! Updating the CP-FS Credential Examination We recently started the process to improve and revamp the Cer- tified Professional–Food Safety (CP-FS) credential examination. CP-FS credential holders work mostly in retail food as quality assurance or quality control managers, facility managers, food-safe chemical suppliers, or in more traditional food safety positions such as a regulatory inspectors or investigators. These profession-
als can conduct facility plan reviews, evaluate hazard analysis criti- cal control point (HACCP) plans or other risk-based food safety programs, understand the causes and prevention of foodborne illnesses, and analyze and implement sanitation standard operat- ing procedures for safety and eectiveness. By obtaining this cre- dential, individuals can elevate their careers and demonstrate their commitment to food safety excellence. During the week of September 9, we hosted 13 subject matter experts (SMEs) at the Professional Testing, Inc. oce in Denver, Colorado. The SMEs worked together to reclassify the existing CP-FS items to the new exam blueprint, write new items to fill gaps on the new CP-FS blueprint, review all newly written items, approve a new CP-FS exam form, and select pilot items for the new CP-FS exam form. The SMEs participated in an orientation covering best practices in writing and reviewing multiple-choice test questions. The pros and cons of varying types of multiple-choice items (e.g., best answer, incomplete statement, negatively worded items, scenario items) were presented, along with general item writing guidelines. The SMEs were given specific target areas to write new test items for. The exam blueprint areas with no items or a limited number of items in the test bank were targeted. The goal was to write at least 72 new items to fill these areas. Overall, the SMEs wrote 88 new items.
Our subject matter experts came together to update the CP-FS credential examination. Photo courtesy of Bobby Medina, NEHA.
November 2024 • Journal of Environmental Health
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