NEHA 2024 AEC Wrap-Up
The 2024 AEC Exhibit Hall was bustling with excitement on Monday, July 15, and Tuesday, July 16. Our conference was again offered as a hybrid event, which gave our exhibitors the chance to interact with attendees in person or through their listings on the conference app. Attendees could also connect with exhibitors through the app and set up face-to-face meetings during Exhibit Hall hours, as well as other times for more in-depth conversations. We had 46 differ- ent exhibitors in a total of 58 exhibit booths. Representatives from the companies and organizations were available in the Exhibit Hall on both days to answer attendee ques- tions and display their services and goods. The Exhibition Grand Opening was a highlight, filled with attendees making new connections. discovering cutting- edge products, and reconnecting with familiar faces. This popular event—com- plete with food and beverages—is always a crowd-pleaser. The event sets the tone for the conference, energizing environ- mental public health professionals as they engage with others who share their passion and expand their industry knowl- edge. This year’s Exhibit Hall featured more exhibitors than the previous year, with a mix of returning favorites and excit- ing new participants. On the second day, the Exhibit Hall was the place to be. Morning, noon, and afternoon beverage breaks featured live demonstrations from the exhibitors. HS GovTech sponsored and facilitated the morning demonstration, Bloomberg American Health Initiative led and spon- sored the noon session, and the after- noon demonstration was sponsored and
facilitated by Hedgerow Software. These demonstrations drew large crowds, with attendees filling every available chair and pulling extra chairs from the sur- rounding areas. A drawing for a complimentary registra- tion to the 2025 AEC added to the excite- ment in the Exhibit Hall. After the exhibi- tion ended, attendees submitted their entry forms at the information desk, where one lucky winner was awarded a free registra- tion for next year’s AEC. Congratulations to Tiffany Klassen from Johnson County Com- munity Health Services in Missouri. For the fourth consecutive year, HS GovTech served as our AEC Presenting Sponsor. NSF sponsored the Wi-Fi access for attendees in the convention center, and Hedgerow Software sponsored the conference app. Tyler Technologies spon- sored branded decals that were promi- nently displayed throughout the Exhibit Hall and conference facilities. HS GovTech also sponsored the Environmental Health Photo Exhibit & Artifact Display. Rounding
out our amazing list of sponsors was the University of Pittsburgh School of Pub- lic Health, which sponsored the NEPHIP Awards and Student Reception. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all exhibitors and sponsors. Your participa- tion and generosity make events of this scale possible. We genuinely appreciate your support!
Exhibit at the AEC Discover Your “Oasis in the Desert”
Registration for the exhibition at the 2025 AEC is open. The 2025 AEC is taking place in Phoenix, Arizona, from July 14–17, 2025, with the Exhibit Hall open on July 14 and 15. Early-bird pricing is available until February 28, 2025 (if space is available). Contact NEHA Sales Manager Soni Fink at or (303) 802-2139 for questions regarding exhibition or sponsorship opportunities. You can also learn more at
Volume 87 • Number 4
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