Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
2024 AEC Sponsors, Partners, and Contributors
We appreciate the following sponsors, organizations, and individuals who helped make the 2024 AEC possible! Sponsors Diamond Sponsor HS GovTech
Platinum Sponsors Hedgerow Software NSF Gold Sponsor Tyler Technologies Silver Sponsors
Networking Event This year’s networking event featured live music from the Billy Thompson Band, local “meat and potato” inspired cuisine, and breathtaking views of the Allegheny River and Pittsburgh’s famous yellow bridges. Attendees mingled both inside the con- vention center and on its many terraces. While the event was originally planned for the rooftop terrace, it was moved indoors due to rain. The slight change in venue, however, did not dampen the spirit and attendees made the most of the robust networking opportunities! Town Hall Assembly attendees took advantage of the opportunity to ask questions of our leadership as NEHA Executive Director and CEO Dr. David Dyjack fields one of those questions.
Next President Butts recognized the individuals who made exemplary con- tributions to the association during his term of office with Presidential Cita- tions. President Butts then recognized the great work of our affiliate organiza - tions through this year’s Affiliate Certifi - cates of Merit. Our affiliates represent a grassroots network of state-level and sector-specific environmental health organizations. We are connected through a shared mission of empowering and educating environmental health profes- sionals. Affiliate associations are pri- marily run by dedicated volunteers who support the profession locally. Each year, we provide our affiliates with the oppor - tunity to nominate outstanding individu- als or teams who have contributed to the success of their associations. Recognition was also given Dawn Kiersewetter, the recipient of the NEHA Beacon Award. This award recognizes a member who has gone above and beyond to share NEHA benefits like education, advocacy, credentials, and community with their colleagues for the advancement of the profession. A listing of all these honors can be found on page 58. We also honored our NEHA/AAS Schol - arship recipients. A total of five scholar - ships were awarded in 2024—two to graduate students and three to undergrad- uate students. The listing of these scholar- ships can be found on page 58. President Butts took the opportunity to recognize and thank our technical advi- sors and outgoing board members, as well as introduce our incoming board members. The Town Hall concluded after several minutes of questions and answers between attendees and NEHA leadership and staff. Our attendees enjoyed a morning breakfast at the Town Hall Assembly as President Tom Butts gave a brief review of our accomplishments over the past year.
Bloomberg America Health Initiative University of Pittsburgh School of Public Health Partners and Contributors American Academy of Sanitarians American Dining Creations Aramark Association of Environmental Health Academic Programs Chartwells Higher Education Dining Services Council for the Model Aquatic Health Code David L. Lawrence Convention Center ecoAmerica, Climate for Health Food and Drug Administration Lucy Houghton LLC National Center for Environmental Health/Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, CDC National Environmental Health Science and Protection Accreditation Council National Environmental Public Health Internship Program National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association National Wastewater Surveillance System, CDC NEHA Business & Industry Affiliate NEHA Endowment Foundation Donors (see page 65) NEHA Technical Advisors (see page 45) NEHA-FDA Retail Flexible Funding Model Grant Program NSF Pitt Eats Uniformed Services Environmental Health Association University of Pittsburgh, School of Public Health Washington State Department of Health
November 2024 • Journal of Environmental Health
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