NEHA November 2024 Journal of Environmental Health

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Featured Speakers

Welcome, Monday, July 15 The 2024 AEC educational agenda was kicked off by a prerecorded welcome from Dr. Mandy Cohen, director of CDC. Dr. Cohen spoke about the importance of the environmental health workforce and its collaborations and partnerships. She thanked the attendees for their hard work, dedication to service, and keeping our communi- ties safe.

Dr. Mandy Cohen, director of CDC, opened the 2024 AEC with a recorded welcome that highlighted the importance of our profession and how crucial each attendee is to the health and safety of our communities.

Keynote Address, Monday, July 15 Environmental Self: The Power of Connection

Dr. Lucy Houghton engaged this highly attended Keynote Address audience by enlisting their participation in exploring the profound impact of authentic connections on personal satisfaction, profes- sional engagement, productivity, and overall well-being in the environmental health workforce. She spoke directly regarding a world where isolation and loneliness are all too common. Dr. Houghton provided tools to cultivate and sustain meaningful con- nections inside and outside the environmental health community. She focused on how to “tap into the incredible potential that lies in the power of our shared experiences.” Grand Educational Session Kickoff, Tuesday, July 16 The Future: The National Center for Environmental Health and Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry Dr. Aaron Bernstein, director of NCEH/ATSDR, offer attendees a unique and valuable perspective on the roles and responsi- bilities of NCEH/ATSDR. He focused on future practice, research, and environmental public health capacity building. Dr. Bernstein affirmed the importance of the environmental health workforce to our country’s health, safety, and economic prosperity. Keynote Address, Tuesday, July 16 Retail Food Safety at the Food and Drug Administration: Future Directions and Priorities One of the highest attended sessions at the 2024 AEC was the open discussion between NEHA President Butts and FDA Assis- tant Commissioner Erik Mettler on FDA’s future direction on retail food safety. Mettler presented on FDA’s revision and implementa- tion of its Human Foods Program, which will impact retail food across the country. The conversation highlighted how FDA intends to handle retail food under this new program.

The 2024 AEC opening Keynote Address by Dr. Lucy Houghton equipped attendees with tools and encouragement to pursue meaningful connections that benefit both their personal and professional lives.

From his unique perspective as director of NCEH/ ATSDR, Dr Aaron Bernstein shared with our attendees what the agencies are currently focusing on, as well as future endeavors that will help build the capacity of the environmental health workforce.

The discussion between NEHA President Tom Butts (left) and FDA Assistant Commission Erik Mettler (right) packed the room and provided attendees with crucial insight into FDA’s work on improving retail food safety.


November 2024 • Journal of Environmental Health

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