NEHA Green Book


In Richard Rowe's President's Message in the March/April 1985 issue of the Journal ofEnvironmental Health, he said the fund stood at $14,000 and he commended Leon Vinci, chairman of the Scholarship Committee, along with other committee members Bruce Clabaugh, Harry Grenawitzke, Mike Farnsworth and Jim Balsamo, for their tremendous achievement. The Scholarship Fund provided enough income by 1985 for NEHA to award two $500 scholarships for the fall 1985 school term. Recipients were: Robert Stulack and Lee Mascolo, both of California State University, Northridge. In 1986, enough income was produced from the over $19,000 fund to provide for two $850 scholarships. Reci­ pients were Judy Stevens, Indiana State University and Sue Harmon, California State University, Northridge. Over 20 applications were received for the 1986 scholarships. Association members and friends can be proud of having reached the current $19,000 Scholarship Fund amount through personal and affiliate donations. With the increasing difficulty that students are experiencing in obtaining work-study and financial loans, it is imperative that the Association continue to support the scholarship fund to help environmental health students. Donations of more than $25 are listed for one year in the Journal ofEnvironmental Health. Memorial gifts are a thoughtful way to recognize a lifetime contribution of professionalism in environmental health, and a number of such gifts have been received. .

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