NEHA Green Book


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As a member of the National Environmental Health Association,

I acknowledge:

That I have an obligation to the advancement of public health. I will uphold the standards of my profession, continually search for truths, and disseminate my findings, and I will strive to keep myself fully in­ formed of the developments in the field of public health and environ­ mental sciences. That I have an obligation to the public whose trust I hold and I will endeavor to the best of my ability to guard their interests honestly and wisely. I will be loyal to the governmental division, the industry, or institution by whom I am retained. That the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinc­ tion of race, religion, cultural background, economic or social condition. That I will uphold the constitution and bylaws of the National Environmental Health Association and will at all times conduct myself in a manner worthy of my profession. My signature hereon constitutes a realization of my personal responsibility to actively discharge these obligations.




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