NEHA Green Book



Although the National Association of Sanitarians Bylaws were changed frequently, in fact almost annually for the first few years, there were certain times when the bylaws changes made a significant difference in the association's structure and membership. For many years this document was merely "Bylaws," but in 1970 the Constitution was initiated to encompass the more important rules of the association, and the Bylaws then contained the lesser rules. In studying the various revisions, some stand out as critical to the association as it is organized today.

1937 National Association of Sanitarians Initial Bylaws

1943 Amended at the 7th Annual Meeting, October 19, in San Francisco, California, to: 1. Add a preamble; 2. Limit the objectives;

3. Remove the student membership category; 4. Create the position of Executive Secretary' 5. Reduce the number of standing committees;

6. Create a Board of Examiners charged with establishing standards for Registra­ tion of Sanitarians, and to prepare and give an examination and certify successful applicants; 7. Provide for establishment of "local sections." 1950 Amended at the 14th Annual Meeting, August 22-24, in St. Louis, Missouri to: 1. Expand the purposes of the organization; 2. Establish the organization as a non-profit corporation; 3. Establish new membership categories (Active, Registered, Retired, Honorary, Associate and Student). 4. Expand criteria on how to handle proxy votes for the election of officers at the annual meeting. 5. Expand the number of standing committees; 6. Dictate that only one section per state, territory or province could be affiliated with NAS. 1970 Amended at the 34th Annual Meeting, June 25 in Las Vegas to: l. Change the name of the organization to National Environmental Health Association; 2. Provide for a Policy and Procedures Manual; 3. Establish the elected officers as President, President-Elect, First Vice Presi­ dent, Second Vice President, Treasurer and Regional Vice Presidents; 4. Expand the Board of Directors to include the officers plus the Presidents of Affiliated Associations; 5. Establish the Executive Committee consisting of the officers; 6. Limit voting proxies to Affiliate Presidents; 7. Create a mail-ballot election of officers to give all members the opportunity to vote; 8. Separate the Constitution and Bylaws (first time there was a Constitution); 9. Change the name of the publication from The Sanitarian to Journal of Environmental Health. (This had been done unofficially in 1962.); 10. Provide for Councils and Sections.

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