At the close of the first half century of the NAS/NEHA, 52 men have served as presi dent. It is appropriate to start the next half century with an outstanding woman sanitarian, Diane Eastman, as president. One is reminded that our Association had its roots in California and is celebrating its Golden Anniversary in the same state where Diane works. Many illustrious individuals in the field of Environmental Health have served as presi dent, lending credence to the leadership in the professional development. Lt. Col. V. Harry Adrounie (1961-62) wrote in his President's Message published in the July/August 1961 issue of The Sanitarian: "I have felt more use should be made of the past presidents of the National Associa tion of Sanitarians. Therefore, an advisory group composed of past presidents is being formed.'' James A. Doyle (1964-65) in his President's Message in the January/February 1965 Journal indicated that the Past Presidents' Group had been organized and he had specific assignments for them. The group was to be recognized at the annual banquet with special seating near the head table. This practice is still observed.
President Ward Duel in May 1968 wrote to the past presidents before the 32nd annual educational conference in Washington, D.C., saying,
"I hope we can get together very early in the week. Your experience will be most valuable in charting the right course for unification with IAMFES and finding some appropriate role in the NAS for the technician. If the past presidents can reach some consensus on these two issues and make their positions known, they might well establish a very valuable stabilizing influence on the entire conference.''
Fred Cooper (1966-67) wrote to the past presidents as chairman of the Past Presidents' Awards Committee in February 1969:
"As you know, the Past Presidents' Group has, for the past several years, made an award to an individual in the association who, in their judgment, has made an outstanding contribution to the organization.''
And, in May 1970, John Todd (1965-66) suggested to the Past Presidents' Group that they give serious thought to the concept of the Award:
"We should ·1!Qnsider its importance in relationship to other Association awards, some guides and procedures concerning candidates, recipients and presentation of such an award. I also would suggest that any award program, even a Past President's Award, should have complete review and acceptance by the NEHA Board of Directors and be under the management and administration of the Association's Awards Committee. I think the only real input those of us in the Past Presidents' Group should have regarding such an award would be to develop standards for the award and submit names of potential candidates to the awards committee.'' The past presidents had mixed reactions to this proposal, and currently the selection of a deserving person who has not received one of the Association's major awards (Mangold or Snyder) and the presentation of the award at the annual banquet are by the Past President's Group. The Group believes the recipients have indeed made a major contribution to the Association.
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