12 opportunities and continuing the newly initiated mid year conferences on speciality sub jects. New membership benefits include audio tapes of the educational conferences, the Environmental Health Trends Report, and the availability of NEHA "signature" merchandise such as lapel pins, membership plaques, and registered sanitarian desk pieces. Not only has NEHA modernized its educational programming and credentialing for members, its office operation has been improved through word processing, computeriza tion, and a desk-top publishing system to speed up and enhance communications with members and to outside organizations and individuals. In 1986, the National Environmental Health Association emerged as a national leader in the hazardous waste field. NEHA's Executive Director, with the assistance of the Hazardous Waste Council established in 1984, negotiated with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for funding to develop a hazardous waste certification for profes sionals. Under the guidance of the Council, and with coordination and assistance of NEHA staff environmental specialist, Terry Johnson, a proficiency examination for hazardous waste personnel has been developed and is being offered at the 1987 annual conference in San Diego for the first time. It all started with the idea of professional advancement. Today NEHA, a strong professional organization dedicated to the advancement of the profession it represents, continues in the tradition of its founders. Tomorrow...a stronger profession, more advanced practitioners? With the support of its members, the visions of its leaders, and the capable performance of a headquarters staff, NEHA's next 50 years hold every promise for even greater success. -The beneficiaries of such a story? - The thousands of people working every day to pro mote a healthful environment. Yes, but ultimately it is the public who we serve and . who count on us for the right to enjoy a healthful .environment who benefit.
Roscoe Davis Executive Secretary 1946-1956
Nicholas Pohlit Executive Secretary 1957-1965 Executive Director 1965-1977
Lawrence J. Krone, Ph.D. Executive Director 1977-1982
Nelson E. Fabian Executive Director 1983-
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