The National Environmental Health Association is celebrating 50 Years of Profes sional Development at the 1987 Annual Educational Conference in San Diego, Califor nia, June 13-18. In 1980, Dr. William G. Walter was appointed by NEHA President, Harry Steigman, as the Association's Archivist. During the years since then, Dr. Walter has taped interviews with numerous people who have been instrumental in develop ment of the organization and the professionalism of environmental health personnel. He was appointed by 1985-86 NEHA President, Joseph Walsh to chair the Archives Committee charged with preparing a 50 Year History for publication prior to the 1987 Annual Meeting (50th Anniversary). Extensive study of the several histories of the association that have been published, the interview transcriptions, and the publications, The Sanitarian and the Journal of Environmental Health from July 1938 until the present were used to complete the assign ment. People who were instrumental in several important aspects of the association were invited to prepare historical documents on those aspects. Some discrepancies and dilemmas were presented to the researchers in compiling facts and relating them to pesonalities involved through the years. It became evident that a complete and accurate hisory of the association could consume much more time and effort than were allotted to prepare the 50 Year History; however, with materials at hand, the authors have compiled this document in good faith that it be a fairly accurate record of what has taken place. Some statements may be challenged, and that is expected. The NEHA will welcome any documentation that will set straight any facts that have not been reported exactly as they happened.
NEHA Archives Committee: William G. Walter, Ph.D. Chairman William A. Broadway Trenton G. Davis, Dr. P.H. Boyd T. Marsh John G. Todd, Dr. P.H. A.Harry Bliss, Dr. P.A. (deceased)
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