The TV miniseries, "Roots," stimulated many individuals to initiate or continue geneological pursuits. Likewise, many professional organizations are delving into their beginnings and histories as they celebrate various anniversaries. This is true of the National Association of Sanitarians / National Environmental Health Association. The rich heritage of many devoted professionals is reviewed in compiling the trials, tribula tions, achievements and plans for the future in this history published in celebration of the 50th anniversary. No monumental task of this type is accomplished by one or even a few people. Early issues of the Journal reported activities of the Association in the thirties and forties. In 1967, Dr. W.W. Sampson published "The History of the NAS - Being a Semi Chronicle Account of Its Aspirations, Activities, and Accomplishments.'' President Harry Steigman in 19 7 9 appointed William G. Walter as Archivist of the Association. Realizing that the 50th Anniversary was approaching, President Joseph Walsh named a committee of past presidents to prepare a 50 year history of the NAS/NEHA. The committee members were A. Harry Bliss, William A. Broadway, Trenton G. Davis, Boyd T. Marsh, and William G. Walter, chairman. In 1 9 86, President George Morris named John G. Todd to replace the late Dr. Bliss. In addition to the committee, many other persons have contributed by furnishing information or pictures, or more importantly, in some cases writing or contributing to the writing of certain chapters. As indicated by chapter numbers in parentheses, some of the major contributors are V. Harry Adrounie (l); Creg Bishop (3); Dora May Coleman (8); Trenton G. Davis (3); Diane Eastman (2); Nelson Fabian (1, 2, 8); Maryann Faw (2); David E. Hartley (8); Jack Hatlen (3); Terry Johnson (2); Boyd T. Marsh (l); Nina I. McClelland (8); Monroe T. Morgan (3); Richard L. Roberts (4); Vince Sikora (3); Sam Stephenson (2); John G. Todd (10); Karen Van Dusen (7); G.A. "Joe" Verrone (9); Joseph W. Walsh (l); and Melvin W. Wilkey (1). Particular appreciation is extended to Mark C. Nottingham, a longtime supporter of our Association, for his financial contributions which have been vital to the prepara tion of this publication. As Archivist and Chairman of the Committee charged with preparing this 50 Year History, I cannot overemphasize the prominent role that Ida F. Marshall has played. Despite her responsibilities as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal ofEnvironmental Health she has overcome many obstacles and frustrations so this book would be available for the Annual Educational Conference at San Diego. Be assured that she has served far and above her primary obligation to our Association. Our Committee will be most pleased to receive information regarding omissions or discrepancies that will improve future editions as well as pictures, artifacts and other articles for displays and possibly an Association Museum. ....
William G. Walter Archivist
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