NEHA Green Book


who have demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Board their good moral character and high ethical and professional standing. The diploma, signed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Board, has the seal of the Board affixed and remains the property of the Board. The person to whom it is issued is entitled to its possession unless and until it is revoked. A sanitarian awarded this diploma is a Diplomate of the American Academy of Sanitarians, Inc.

Wagner Award

In 1981 the Academy initiated its Davis Calvin Wagner Sanitarian Award to annually provide recognition to a Diplomate who has attained a status of distinction. The Award consists of an appropriately inscribed plaque and a monetary renumeration. The award recipients have been:

1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986

Richard L. Roberts, California John P. Nordin, Washington

John G. Todd, Maryland

Larry J. Gordon, New Mexico Geswaldo A. Verrone, Maryland


In memory of his brother and to reflect his deep respect and admiratrion for the pro­ fessional sanitarian, the Award was made possible by the devotion and generosity of Assistant Surgeon General, Carruth J. Wagner, M.D., U.S. Public Health Service, Ret.

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