NEHA Green Book

111 again had a name change to simplify its recognition as a professional group, namely to the American Academy of Sanitarians (AAS).

Purposes of The Academy

The primary purpose of the Academy is to improve the environmental health status of people through certification of those sanitarians who, in an outstanding manner, have helped or are helping to achieve this long range goal. Since professional sanitarians occupy prominent places in the national effort to improve environmental health, hold positions of high responsibility both in and out of government, have become competent specialists in a wide variety of environmental health activities, and are making signifi­ cant contributions in this field; the need for and justification of an Academy to further its stated purpose is evident. In the interest of clarity, the terms REGISTRATION and CERTIFICATION have been defined. These terms are not synonymous, but represent separate and distinct activities. REGISTRATION is generally a legal process administered by a governmental licensing body created by legislative action. CERTIFICATION, on the other hand, is the recognition by the profession itself of high achievement resulting from educational preparation and competent practice in the profession with marked distinction. Thus, certification cannot be earned at the beginning of a career, nor can it, in any sense, be authority granted to practice the profession. The Academy invites and encourages persons with qualities of outstanding competence and leadership to become certified as Diplomates. Certification as a Diplomate is awarded only after careful scrutiny of the applicant by his peers. This in itself is one important criterion which differentiates a person who is registered through legal means and one who is qualified under demanding standards established by members of his/her own profession. Becoming a Diplomate in the Academy denotes professional status and gives prestige to the recipients earning this recognition. Over 400 Diplomates have been certified by the Academy.

The Value of The Academy

Inherently, a person seeks approbation for deeds and accomplishments. Everyone strives to stand above the crowd and to be recognized for work, leadership and achieve­ ment. While financial reward is always high on the list as one index of professional success, there are many intangible gratifications that come with the job well done. Certification as a Diplomate in the Academy is the fulfillment of a normal and commendable desire for special recognition. It is tangible evidence to the person, to professional associates and to others that the individual is outstanding in a chosen field. Certification enhances professional advancement. Diplomates of the Academy are prominent in planning and shaping action programs which bring about better understanding of the sanitarian's professional role in the pro­ motion of improved environmental health. The roster of Diplomates of the Academy is useful in the identification and selection of professional talent.


The Board issues a suitable diploma of certification to all applicants who have satisfac­ torily passed the prescribed examinations, who have met the prescribed standards and

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