NEHA has long had members representing a range of industries, although primarily from the food industry. These industries have recognized the importance of working together with regulatory agencies in incident prevention rather than be policed by them. What better place for regulatory and industry sanitarians to meet, learn and share ideas than in the National Environmental Health Association? It followed naturally that as the industry membership grew, interest in the formation of an industry affiliate also grew. Since the early 1970's, NEHA 's Food Section has had a Food Processing Industry and Distribution Committee which has responsibilities for program planning and an awards program to honor the industry sanitarian of the year. Funding for the awards program is solicited from industry members. Sanitarians and professionals in environmental health programs in industries other than food also needed to have representation in NEHA's organizational structure; therefore, in the late 1970's an Industry Advisory Committee was formed to study the feasibility of an Industry Affiliate. It was believed that affiliate status would encourage more involvement and leader ship from industry ranks, provide a setting for more open communication between industries, academia and regulatory agencies and be a drawing card for membership from a variety of industries and broaden NEHA's technical base. The IndustryAffiliate received its charter in 1985 and now boasts nearly 100 members. It is a closed membership affiliate; that is, all Industry Affiliate members must be members in good standing of NEHA.
Presently the affiliate has no awards program but is considering establishing one to honor the outstanding sanitarian working in any environmental health-related industry.
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