95 C nifi ate of Sanitation Inspection. A new course in public health law was established the same time. In l 937, Mangold left Los Angeles to take an appointment as lecturer and campus sanitarian at the University of California, Berkeley. The farsighted leadership that Walter �angold provided as a faculty member launched the sanitarian on the road to profes ionalism. He rose through the academic ranks to professor of Public Health and became a member of the graduate faculty for Sanitary Science. In 1944, he became chief anitarian for the entire University of California system of six campuses. :,, Throughout the remainder of his life, Professor Mangold continued his efforts to upgrade the professional education and performance of sanitarians through his teaching and organizational work. His students, scattered throughout the world, kept in touch with him and were inspired by him to greater achievement. Walter Mangold is gone, but his legacy of courage, confidence and character remain as an inspirational model for all sanitarians of today and tomorrow. The Walter S. Mangold Award was authorized by the National Association of Sanitarians at its 1955 Annual Meeting. It was given initially in 1956 to Mangold and has been awarded to an outstanding sanitarian each year since then, except for the years 1980 and 1983 (lack of nominations). The Mangold Award winner is selected by a committee (currently the five most recent winners) following a specific set of rules set forth in the Mangold Award guidelines. Nominations must be made by the affiliate of NEHA to which the candidate belongs, and the nomination must be prepared in a specified manner as set forth by the Mangold Award Committee. The nomination guidelines are published annually in the November/December issue of the Journal of Environmental Health. The award consists of a large walnut plaque featuring a bronze-medallion diecast likeness of Walter Mangold, and a bronze plate upon which are inscribed the names of all the winners. This plaque is presented to the current recipient with whom it remains until the next winner is named. The recipient also receives an individual plaque, also with the Mangold medallion, properly inscribed, which is the permanent property of the recipient. A $500 honorarium is also awarded.
Mangold Award Winners
1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961
Walter S. Mangold, California Milton M. Miller, Colorado Harlan Kingsbury, Massachusetts Verne C. Reierson, Oregon A. Harry Bliss, Dr. P.A., California Jerrold M. Michael, Washington, D.C. Larry J. Gordon, New Mexico
1962 1963
Seymour Barfield, California
V. Harry Adrounie, U.S. Air Force Frank A. Gohr, Dr. P.H., California
A.H. Crenshaw, Florida David B. Peden, Ohio Sam Reed, Washington
1965 1966 1967
A. Clarke Slaymaker, Virginia Frank A. Justice, Colorado
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