NEHA Green Book



Recognition by peers for meritorious service or outstanding contributions is a highlight in any professional career. The National Association of Sanitarians/National Environ­ mental Health Association has long paid tribute to individuals who have attained high standing in employment or organization activities. It is unfortunate that many have undoubtedly gone unrecognized for their devotion and dedication to the profession and the association. Special efforts have been made periodically to initiate awards to recognize persons who have been outstanding at the national level. The earliest awards bestowed by the Association were Honorary Memberships, the only awards between 1937 and 1956 - nearly 20 years! Persons who earned this distinguished status were: 1940's - Dr. Karl F. Meyer, Hooper Foundation, University of California Dr. L.L. Lamsden, U.S. Public Health Service Dr. Arthur L. Hitchens, University of Pennsylvania Franklin D. Sweger, Co-founder, California Association of Sanitarians Harold A. Young, Co-founder, California Association of Sanitarians E.C. McCulloch, Ph.D., Professor of Bacteriology, State College of Washington 1950's - Dr. Adolph Weinzeril, School of Medicine, Portland, Oregon Dr. Frederick Welch, Commissioner of Health, Wisconsin Dr. W.H. Haskell, U.S. Public Health Service Professor Walter S. Mangold, Univeristy of California, Berkeley Roscoe C. Davis, California State Health Department Dr. Brock Chisholm, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland Floyd Jimison, Los Angeles City Health Department 1960's - Charles H. Atkins, Assistant Surgeon General, U.S. Public Heath Service Dr. A. Harry Bliss, University of California, Berkeley Jerry Fox, Hobart Mfg. Co., Troy, Ohio Senator Ralph Yarborough, Texas Albert Stevenson, U.S. Public Health Service Dr. Joseph Goldfarb, Massachusetts Major General Oliver K. Niess, Surgeon General, U.S. Air Force Professor Milton M. Miller, University of Denver, Colorado Dr. Luther L. Terry, Surgeon General, U.S. Public Health Service Dr. John J. Hanlon, School of Medicine, Temple University, Pennsylvania Dr. Meredith H. Thompson, Assistant Commissioner, Division of Environ- mental Health, New York State Department of Health, Albany Dr. John L. Wilson, Economics Laboratory, Inc., St. Paul, Minnesota David B. Lee, Director of the Bureau of Sanitation, Florida State Board of Health Mrs. John (Marilee) Todd, Oklahoma Dr. Carruth J. Wagner, Assistant Surgeon General, U.S. Public Health Service Eugene L. Lehr, U.S. Public Health Service Jerome Trichter, New York City Department of Health

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