Walter S. Mangold Award
extraordinary adjective ex·traor·di·nary | ikˈstrôrd(ə)nˌerē 1. Going beyond what is usual, regular, or customary 2. Exceptional to a marked extent
Walter S. Mangold dedicated his life to the practice of environmental health in an extraordinary and exemplary way. In doing so, he became a beacon of excellence and inspiration for all environmental health pro- fessionals who followed after him. Do you have a colleague who fits the defini - tion of doing extraordinary environmental health work? Consider taking the time to nominate them for the Walter S. Mangold
Award, our most prestigious award. Nomination Deadline: January 31
Honoring a history of advancing environmental health. Walter F. Snyder was a pioneer in our field and was the cofounder and first executive director of NSF. He embodied outstanding accomplishments, notable contributions, demonstrated capacity, and leadership within environmental health. Do you know someone like that? Nominate them for the Walter F. Snyder Award for outstanding contributions to the advancement of environmental health. This award is cosponsored by NSF and NEHA. Nomination Deadline: May 1 snyder-award Walter F. Snyder Award
Volume 87 • Number 6
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