NEHA January/February 2025 Journal of Environmental Health


Our Endowment Foundation was created to allow us to do more for the environmental health profession than our annual budget might allow. Donations are used for the sole purpose of advancing the profession and its practitioners. Thank you to our donors! This list represents all donations made to the Endowment Foundation in the last 12 months as of press time. It does not include amounts pledged.

Aileen Solaita Skylar Spiner Daisy Steiner Martin J. Stephens M.L. Tanner Roberta Torio Gratiela D. Vasilica Kerton R. Victory Sarah K. Ward Carolyn Watson Michael Weakley Matthew Weinburke Sherri Wentz Brian S. White James M. White Stacy L. Williamson Diana M. Wilson James Wisdom Erika Woods Melissa Yost Ronald Young George Zameska Linda L. Zaziski HONORARY MEMBERS CLUB

Brian Lefferts Allan R. Levesque Martin Little Stephen Long

Margie Earl Marseilles D. Ebron Jessica Einig William B. Emminger Andualem D. Esubalew Bruce M. Etchison Suzanna Fajgier Lisa Fasulo Karl D. Feldman Krista T. Ferry Staci Gallahue Jeanne M. Galloway Sarah Garant

Robert Landry Philip Leger Ann M. Loree John A. Marcello Ralph M. Matthews Victoria A. Murray Catherine Rockwell Mario Seminara Jacqueline Taylor Charles D. Treser

DELEGATE CLUB ($1–$99) Samuel M. Aboagye Erick Aguilar Tunde M. Akinmoladun Mary A. Allen Drake Amundson Angela Anandappa Steven K. Ault Chris Baker Gary Baker Dick Darrel L. Baluscang Katie L. Bante Patricia Beavers Marc Bedard Michael E. Bish Logan Blank David Blossom Joshua Boggan Kristy L. Boyles Marcus Branch Danielle Brooks Lawrence A. Brown Wendy K. Brown-Arnold Glenn W. Bryant Christopher R. Caler Luisa M. Carbonell Aaron Chavez Christopher B. Chestnut Dean Chiarelli Richard W. Clark

Dennis Loo Luis Lopez

Patrick J. Maloney Jose A. Martinez Carol McInnes Richard A. Menger Margarita Miller Cassandra Mitchell Abdirashid Mohamoud Katharine Mooney Hector Morfin Daniel C. Morrison Kendra A. Morrison Christine Moser-Fink John A. Nakashima Stephen B. Nelson Lee Newman Daniel B. Oerther Steven K. Okoji Peter Oshiro Frank O'Sullivan Nisha Patel Rosanna Y. Rabago James Racicot Jacquelyn R. Raiche-Curl Jeremiah Ramos Roger T. Reid

Lisa Whitlock Ronald Young 21st CENTURY CLUB

($500–$999) D. Gary Brown Amer El-Ahraf Jaime Estes

David P. Gilkey Deanna Glisson Bernard Goldstein

Cynthia L. Goldstein Joseph M. Graham Carrie Gschwind Haley Hanna Eric Harris Tom Heenan Timothy D. Henderson Candace L. Herb Jordyn Hicke Treondis Hockett Donna M. Houston Mary Ingram Kyle Johnsen Robert Johnson Brett Jones Leila Judd Gregory D. Kearney Nadia T. Kendall Nola Kennedy Karin J. Kirkland Theodore J. Koenig Bon Koo

Donna K. Heran T. Stephen Jones Sandra M. Long Wendell A. Moore Larry A. Ramdin Linda Van Houten Leon F. Vinci SUSTAINING MEMBERS CLUB ($1,000–$2,499) Thomas J. Butts George A. Morris Peter M. Schmitt James M. Speckhart Ned Therien AFFILIATES CLUB ($2,500–$4,999) James J. Balsamo, Jr. Bob W. Custard Welford C. Roberts EXECUTIVE CLUB AND ABOVE (>$5,000) Vincent J. Radke

($100–$499) Robert Bialas Eric Bradley Kim Carlton

Deborah Carpenter Kimberly M. Dillion Michele R. DiMaggio Ana Ebbert Debra Freeman Raymond E. Glos Carolyn J. Gray Eric S. Hall Scott E. Holmes Innovest Portfolio Services Gwendolyn R. Johnson Adam Kramer

William Crump Bonnie Czander Jason Czerwinski

Alexa Restrepo Jose Rodriguez Luis O. Rodriguez Joseph Sarpong Marilou O. Scroggs Darren Shadduck Karla Shoup Zia Siddiqi Tom Sidebottom Puneet Sikand

Donald S. Dais Angela Danovi Daniel de la Rosa Marijke Decuir Thomas P. Devlin James M. Dodd Edward Dotherow Theresa Dunkley-Verhage

David Krause John W. Lam Zachary Lee

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Volume 87 • Number 6

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