NEHA May 2023 Journal of Environmental Health


ožerings can be found at Here are just a few of the exciting workshops and trainings we are ožering this year. • Certified Professional–Food Safety (CP-FS) Credential Review Course (July 29–30): This 2-day refresher course is designed to enhance your preparation for the NEHA CP-FS credential exam and will cover exam content areas. Participants are expected to have prior food safety knowledge and training equal to the eligibil- ity requirements to sit for the exam. Fee: $449 for NEHA members and $549 for nonmembers. Registration includes the CP-FS Study Package ( CP-FS Study Guide (4th edition) and CP-FS flash cards). • Registered Environmental Health Specialist/Registered Sani- tarian (REHS/RS) Credential Review Course (July 29–31): This 2.5-day refresher course is designed to enhance your preparation for the NEHA REHS/RS credential exam and will cover exam content areas. Participants are expected to have a solid foundation of environmental health knowledge and train- ing equal to the eligibility requirements to sit for the exam. Fee: $549 for NEHA members and $649 for nonmembers. Registration includes the REHS/RS Study Guide (5th edition). • Body Art Facility Inspector Training (July 30 and July 31): This introductory-level course focuses on the fundamentals of body art facility inspection. It includes a body art facility inspec- tion simulation, in-person equipment demonstrations, job aids, resources, and more. The training will also cover public health risks, communication, infection control, inspection procedures and requirements, and equipment review. Fee: $150 for NEHA members and $200 for nonmembers. • Council for the Model Aquatic Health Code: Certified Pool Operator (CPO) Fusion Course (July 30): This 1-day CPO Fusion Course prepares attendees to be certified or recertified as a CPO. Attendees will complete one half of the course online at their own pace and then will attend the 1-day course at the AEC for certification. Fee: $350. • Council for the Model Aquatic Health Code: Certified Public Health Pool Inspector Course (July 31): This new, 1-day certi- fication course is designed just for public health o‘cials. Based on the Model Aquatic Health Code from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the course provides the information needed to confidently inspect commercial pools. This course is a pilot ožering and attendees will be able to provide input to guide finalization of the course. Fee: $200. • Environmental Health and Land Reuse (EHLR) Immersion Training (July 29–31): This interactive 2.5-day training aims to increase the skills of the environmental health workforce to engage in land reuse and redevelopment. The training takes a deeper dive into the first three modules of our original EHLR Basic Training, which focuses on community engagement, evaluation, and risk communication. Participants will earn 20 CE contact hours after completion of the training. Fee: $25 for NEHA members and $50 for nonmembers.

Moise, associate professor and director of Global Health Stud- ies at the University of Miami; and Janet A. Hurley, senior extension program specialist in integrated pest management (IPM) at Texas A&M. • Keynote Address (August 1): In this Keynote Address, Lt. Gen- eral Russel L. Honoré, U.S. Army (retired) and an authority on leadership, safety, and global preparedness, will speak to our attendees on “Leadership: Getting the Difficult Job Done.” In a time when leadership is more important than ever, Lt. General Honoré will present the topic with a no-nonsence, devisive approach to leadership, vision, and resilency. • Grand Educational Session Kicko (August 2): Presented by the NEHA Business & Industy a‘liate, this session will explore “The Conundrum of Food Safety Culture: Breaking Through Barriers to Drive Improvement.” Given the competing priorities in busi- ness, how do our food industry leaders maintain a balance and account for food safety when making decisions? In this panel discussion, executive leadership from top retail and food service industries will share how their organizations achieve and main- tain a culture of food safety despite rising inflation, workforce shortages, extreme weather, pandemic recovery, and food defense. • Closing Session (August 3): We are pleased to announce that Frank Yiannis will be speaking at our Closing Session. Yiannis is a food safety executive and former deputy commissioner for Food Policy and Response at FDA. Events No AEC would be complete without some events to bring us together for networking and learning opportunities. You can learn more at • Exhibition Grand Opening (July 31): Connect with your peers and industry leaders to learn about the latest products and ser- vices for environmental health professionals. • Student Reception (August 1): The future of our profession depends on the next generation. Come share your insights (and business cards) with environmental health students at this casual event. Students, come with your questions! • Photo Exhibition and Contest (August 1): Enjoy an evening with Gina Bare, photographer and NEHA staž member, who will share her photography and showcase the photos of contest winners. We will also discuss the impact photography can have when communicating about environmental health. • Town Hall Assembly (August 2): Join NEHA President Dr. D. Gary Brown for breakfast and a recap of the year’s accomplish- ments on behalf of the environmental health profession. • Raising Your Voice Networking Event (August 2): Join your fellow environmental health professionals for food, beverages, music, and conversation. Preconference Oerings Add to your 2023 AEC experience by attending one of our many preconference workshops and trainings. A full listing of these


May 2023 • Journal of Environmental Health

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