NEHA May 2023 Journal of Environmental Health

Now Available!

Updated Registered Environmental Health Specialist / Registered Sanitarian (REHS / RS) Study Guide, 5th Edition͜ Fresh visual layout to enhance reading and studying experience͜ 15 chapters covering critical exam content͜ Insights from 29 experts Helps you identify where to focus your studying so you can pass the exam!

Show them you are an expert. You are dedicated to environmental health. Earn the Registered Environmental Health Specialist/ Registered Sanitarian (REHS/RS) credential to let your community and employer know just how much. The REHS/RS credential is the gold standard in environmental health.

The Davis Calvin Wagner Sanitarian Award represents the highest honor the American Academy of Sanitarians bestows on its diplomates. The award is conferred for exceptional leadership ability, professional commitment, outstanding resourcefulness, dedication, and accomplishments in advancing environmental public health. The deadline to submit award nominations has been extended to May 15, 2023. Learn more at

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May 2023 • Journal of Environmental Health

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