Environmental public health has an im- portant and critical role in the delivery of the 10 Essential Services to protect com- munity health. We hope this web resource will help strengthen the integration of en- vironmental public health practice through the 10 Essential Services and in meeting the needs of all communities. Corresponding Author: Ana Pomales, Envi- ronmental Health Scientist, National Center for Environmental Health, Centers for Dis-
ease Control and Prevention, 4770 Buford Highway NE, Atlanta, GA 30341-3717. Email: References Gerding, J., Bender, K., & Corso, L. (2020). Public health department accreditation and environmental public health: A decade of collaboration. Journal of Environmental Health , 82 (6), 30–32. https://www.neha. org/cdc-direct-jan-feb-2020
Public Health National Center for Innova- tions. (2019). Defining public health prac- tice: 25 years of the 10 Essential Public Health Services . resource-files/Defining-Public-Health- Practice-25-Years-of-the-10-Essential-Pub lic-Health-Services.pdf Public Health National Center for Innova- tions. (2020). 10 Essential Public Health Services Futures Initiative: Task force roster . EPHS-TaskForce.pdf
Thomas Abbott Nick Adams Erick Aguilar Tunde M. Akinmoladun Mary A. Allen American Academy of Sanitarians Drake Amundson Olivia Arnold Rance Baker James J. Balsamo, Jr. Darryl B. Barnett
Alan M. Croft Daniel de la Rosa Alan J. Dellapenna, Jr.
Suzanne Howard Daaniya Iyaz Margo C. Jones Samuel J. Jorgensen Leila Judd
Emily Moscufo Ericka Murphy Arash Nasibi
Anthony Sawyer Taylor J. Sawyer Sameera Sayeed Lea Schneider Mario Seminara Jacquelynn Shelton Anton Shufutinsky Tom Sidebottom Karen Solberg James M. Speckhart Stephen Spence Rebecca Stephany Martin J. Stephens M.L. Tanner Timothy D. Taylor Tonia W. Taylor Ned Therien Vildana Tinjic Charles D. Treser Marilyn C. Underwood Gail P. Vail Richard S. Valentine Linda Van Houten Kendra Vieira Leon F. Vinci Jessica Walzer Jeffrey A. Wangsao
Kristie Denbrock Thomas P. Devlin Michele DiMaggio Theresa Dunkley-Verhage Gery M. DuParc Justin A. Dwyer Ana Ebbert Alicia Enriquez Collins Sharon Farrell Olivia Feider Julie Fernandez Krista T. Ferry Mary K. Franks Tiffany D. Gaertner Heather Gallant Felix Garcia Keenan Glover Bernard Goldstein Cynthia L. Goldstein Carolyn J. Gray Karen Gulley Samantha K. Hall Melissa Ham Roberta M. Hammond
Sylvester Ndimele Bertram F. Nixon Daniel B. Oerther
Anna E. Khan Nola Kennedy Amit Kheradia Eric Klein
Darvis W. Opp Charles S. Otto Gil Ramon Paiz Jessica Pankey Noah Papagni
Roy Kroeger Scott Kruger Willow E. Lake Lawrence County Health
Michael A. Pascucilla Stephen E. Pilkenton Robert W. Powitz Stacie Price Laura A. Rabb
Marcy Barnett Robert Bialas
Department Philip Leger Matthew A. Lindsey Sandra M. Long Ann M. Loree Jaime N. Lundblad Patricia Mahoney Julianne Manchester
Ashton Brodahl Corwin D. Brown D. Gary Brown Glenn W. Bryant Tom Butts Nadia Bybee Lori Byron
Vincent J. Radke Larry A. Ramdin Jeremiah Ramos
Faith M. Ray Roger T. Reid Jacqueline L. Reszetar David E. Riggs Geraldine Riouff Welford C. Roberts Luis O. Rodriguez Kristen Ruby-Cisneros Nancy Ruderman Kerry E. Rupp-Etling Silvia-Antonia Rus Ainhoa Saiz Michéle Samarya-Timm
Christopher R. Caler Timothy J. Callahan Kimberley Carlton Diane Chalifoux-Judge Denise Chrysler Renee Clark
John A. Marcello Jason W. Marion John Mason Carol McInnes Pamela Mefford
Traci E. Michelson Graeme Mitchell Derek Monthei Wendell A. Moore Lisa Maggie Morehouse George A. Morris
Richard W. Clark Gary E. Coleman Jessica Collado Brian K. Collins Alan S. Crawford
Kathy Hartman Stacie Havron Donna K. Heran Scott E. Holmes Michelle Holshue
James M. White Dawn Whiting Lisa Whitlock Erika Woods Linda L. Zaziski
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