Invest in Yourself With the NEHA/AAS Scholarship
You are studying to contribute to the health and safety of your community. Apply today for the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA)/American Academy of Sanitarians (AAS) Scholarship and let us help you reach your goals! Students enrolled in a college or university with a dedicated curriculum in environmental health sciences are invited to apply for the following:͜
Dr. Sheila Davidson Pressley Undergraduate Scholarship͜ Dr. Carolyn Hester Harvey Undergraduate Scholarship͜ NEHA/AAS Graduate Scholarship Application deadline: April 15, 2023
The American Academy of Sanitarians (AAS) announces the annual Davis Calvin Wagner Sanitarian Award. The award will be presented by AAS during the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) 2023 Annual Educational Conference & Exhibition. The award consists of an individual plaque and a perpetual plaque that is displayed in the NEHA oce.
Nominations for this award are open to all AAS diplomates who: 1. Exhibit resourcefulness and dedication in promoting the improvement of the public’s health through the application of environmental and public health practices. 2. Demonstrate professionalism, administrative and technical skills, and competence in applying such skills to raise the level of environmental health. 3. Continue to improve through involvement in continuing education type programs to keep abreast of new developments in environmental and public health. 4. Are of such excellence to merit AAS recognition.
NOMINATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY APRIL 15, 2023. Nomination packages should be emailed to Eric Bradley, AAS Executive Secretary/Treasurer, at Files should be in Word or PDF format.
For more information about the nomination, eligibility, and evaluation process, as well as previous recipients of the award, please visit
April 2023 • Journal of Environmental Health
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