NEHA April 2023 Journal of Environmental Health


Overall Associations Between Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity and Sedentary Physical Activity and Pollutant Metrics



Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity

Sedentary Physical Activity

Change in Time Spent per IQR (%)

95% CI

p -Value Change in Time Spent per IQR (%)

95% CI

p -Value

PM 2.5

24-hr mean (school) 48-hr mean (school) 72-hr mean (school) 96-hr mean (school) 96-hr mean (CAMS)

4.9 4.1 3.1 4.1 5.2

0.47 0.80

[-0.54, 1.48] [-0.37, 1.96] [-2.95, -0.46] [-5.00, -1.90] [-6.12, -1.59] [-1.50, 0.64] [-1.66, 0.50] [-2.24, -0.39] [-2.37, -0.18] [-4.65, -1.08] [-1.71, 0.82] [-1.41, 0.85] [-1.30, 0.11] [-2.62, -0.09] [-1.53, -0.04] [-3.51, 3.01] [-4.01, 1.40] [-2.33, 1.01] [-1.81, 1.15] [-1.51, 1.43] [-6.35, -1.63]

.365 .180 .007

-0.96 -1.53

[-1.92, 0.01] [-2.75, -0.31] [0.24, 2.61] [1.78, 5.09]

.051 .014 .018

-1.71 -3.45 -3.86 -0.43 -0.58 -1.32 -1.59 -2.87 -0.45 -0.28 -0.60 -1.35 -0.78 -0.25 -1.31 -0.66 -0.33 -0.04 -3.99

1.43 3.43 4.04





[1.71, 6.37]

PM 10

24-hr mean (school) 48-hr mean (school) 72-hr mean (school) 96-hr mean (school) 96-hr mean (CAMS)

24.6 19.1 11.9

.427 .293 .005

-0.06 -0.17

[-0.99, 0.87] [-1.18, 0.83] [0.09, 1.91] [0.69, 2.34] [1.19, 4.95] [-0.62, 1.47] [-0.72, 1.30] [-0.06, 1.38] [0.25, 2.79] [-0.12, 1.38] [-2.10, 4.43] [-0.85, 4.98] [-0.37, 3.19] [-1.05, 2.04] [-1.34, 1.82] [2.15, 7.08]

.902 .735 .031

1.00 1.51 3.07 0.43 0.29 0.66 1.52 0.63 1.16 2.07 1.41 0.49 0.24 4.62







NO 2

24-hr mean (school) 48-hr mean (school) 72-hr mean (school) 96-hr mean (school) 96-hr mean (CAMS) 24-hr mean (school) 48-hr mean (school) 72-hr mean (school) 96-hr mean (school) 96-hr mean (CAMS)

7.8 4.8 2.8 5.0 5.2

.489 .626 .098 .036 .040 .881 .344 .437 .661 .955 .001

.424 .574 .075 .019 .099 .486 .164 .120 .530 .766

O 3

18.1 11.7 12.3

8.6 7.5 9.9


72-hr mean (8-hr max.) a

Note. Effect estimates are presented as the percent change of time spent performing moderate to vigorous physical activity or sedentary physical activity per increase in air pollutant concentrations. Bolded p -values are statistically significant. CAMS = continuous ambient monitoring stations; CI = confidence interval; IQR = interquartile range; NO 2 = nitrogen dioxide; O 3 = ozone. a Additional model that used the maximum 8-hr average concentration of O 3 as the 8-hr mean aligns with limits established by regulatory agencies (only the significant model is shown).

mother’s physical activity level)—therefore, if asthma in these relatives leads to decreased physical activity, it would have a greater impact on the physical activity of the child. The treatment options for children with asthma depend on the severity of the child’s condition (Masoli et al., 2004). Those with persistent asthma are recommended to take inhaled corticosteroids to control airway

inflammation, and the addition of a long- acting β 2 -agonist is an option for those who remain symptomatic with inhaled corticoste- roid treatment only (Partridge et al., 2006). Higher levels of MVPA in children using some medications could be a result of increased control over asthma symptoms. Furthermore, in a study of healthy adults, pretreatment with a leukotriene blocker (montelukast)

before exercise attenuated the e ects of par- ticulate matter inhalation in endothelial dys- function, which is a cardiovascular health marker (Rundell et al., 2010). Regarding physical activity, in a study look- ing into perceptions of health benefits versus detriments of exercise, researchers found participants with a more severe asthma con- dition were more likely to believe that exer-


April 2023 • Journal of Environmental Health

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