13.5 Temporary Body Artist License 1. A temporary license for performing body art procedures must be issued by the Department for educational, trade show, convention, public or private events, performance, or product demonstration purposes. The license expires 14 days after issuance. 2. Temporary body artist licenses must be issued by the Department for body art services provided outside of the physical site of a licensed body art facility for educational, trade show, convention, public or private events, performance, or product demonstration purposes. The license expires 14 days after issuance. 1. This license need not be obtained if the body artist is already licensed by the Department within the licensing jurisdiction. 2. Temporary body artist licenses will not be issued unless the applicant: 1. provides proof of compliance with Section 13.3 relating to body artist licenses, 2. is currently affiliated with a body art establishment which, where applicable, is licensed by the Department, and 3. has paid a fee as set by the Department. 3. A temporary body artist license may not be transferable from one person to another. 4. Each temporary body artist license must be posted in a prominent and conspicuous area where it may be readily seen. 13.6 Mobile Body Art Establishments 1. In addition to complying with all the requirements of this Code, mobile body art vehicles and operators working from a mobile body art establishment must comply with all the following requirements: 1. Mobile body art establishments are licensed for use only at special events lasting 14 days or less. Licenses must be obtained at least 14 days prior to the event. No body art procedures are allowed to be performed before a license is issued. 2. License holders are responsible for ensuring that all other local agency regulations are complied with, including but not limited to zoning and business license requirements. 3. Body art performed pursuant to this Section must be done only from an enclosed vehicle such as a trailer, mobile home, or mobile vehicle. No body art procedures may be performed outside of the enclosed vehicle. 4. The mobile body art establishment must be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition at all times. Doors must be self-closing and tight fitting. Openable windows must have tight- fitting screens. 5. If the mobile body art does not exclusively use single-use disposable equipment and supplies, then it must have approved sterilization equipment available in accordance with all requirements of Section 8. 6. The mobile body art establishment must be used only for the purpose of performing body art procedures. No habitation or food preparation is licensed inside the vehicle.
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