2. The sterilization room must only be used for cleaning, disinfecting, sterilizing, storage, and related tasks. 3. A sink must be used only for cleaning contaminated instruments. This sink sh all not be used for hand washing. 4. A covered ultrasonic cleaner and/or instrument washer must be included. 5. If any items are stored in the room, cabinets or drawers must be made of smooth, nonporous wipeable materials. 6. No other services including but not limited to tattooing, piercing, or retail sales may occur within the sterilization room. 7. The covered ultrasonic unit and the sink used for rinsing and scrubbing contaminated instruments must be separated from the autoclave to prevent contamination. Plexiglass, stainless steel, or other nonporous barriers to prevent cross-contamination are allowed.
12.7 Water supply and wastewater disposal methods must meet all local and/or state regulations.
12.8 All new body art facilities must have access to a mop/utility sink.
12.9 There must be a minimum of one restroom with a hand washing sink accessible to patrons. This sink must not be used for any other purposes.
12.10 The body art procedure area must be equipped with a hand washing sink for personnel with unobstructed access (e.g., no doors), such that the body artists can go to and from their workstations without having to touch anything with their hands.
12.11 There must be a minimum of 80 square feet of floor space for each procedure area in the establishment.
12.12 Ultrasonic cleaners, used for cleaning instruments or other contaminated items, are not allowed in the workstation. Ultrasonic cleaners used only for cleaning non-contaminated jewelry or other non-contaminated items are allowed in the workstation. 12.13 A lined waste receptacle must be provided in every procedure area and restroom. The receptacles must be kept clean. If the waste receptacle is covered, it must have self-closing lids with hands-free controls.
12.14 The establishment must offer an area secluded from public view for clients requesting privacy. If a curtain or partition is used, it must be in compliance with this Code.
12.15 The establishment must have and maintain mechanical ventilation that is in compliance with current local and state building codes, if applicable. The establishment must have an artificial light source equivalent to at least 20 lumens per square foot, three feet off the floor. Where the body art procedure is being performed and where instruments and sharps are assembled, there must be an artificial light source equivalent to at least 100 lumens per square foot.
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