2. location on body, 3. design if applicable, 4. jewelry styles and sizes if applicable,
5. expiration date and batch and/or lot number of all sterilized instruments used during the body art procedure that corresponds with the sterilization log for those instruments and/or package/lot number that will be applied to or inserted under the skin, 6. expiration date, brand, color, batch and/or lot number of all inks, and pigments used in the body art procedure, 7. date and time of body art procedure, and
8. any complications that occurred during the body art procedure. 2. The following information from the body artist must be written down: 1. first and last name, and 2. signature.
7.3 An informed consent statement, including a signature obtained from the customer, must confirm at a minimum that the client:
1. is voluntarily obtaining services of their own free will and volition, 2. has had the opportunity to read and understand the document, 3. has the ability to ask questions about the procedure, and 4. has received and understands written and verbal aftercare.
7.4 Nothing in this section should be construed to require the body artist to perform a body art procedure upon a client.
7.5 The client must be offered a copy of the completed release form in written and/or digital format.
8. Disinfection and Sterilization Procedures
8.1 All surfaces used in the body art procedure must be smooth; free of nicks, cuts, and tears; easily cleanable; and nonporous. Surfaces must be cleaned and then disinfected with an EPA- registered tuberculocidal disinfectant prior to and after the body art procedure. 8.2 All surfaces of equipment and furnishings that come into contact with the body artist during a body art procedure must be covered with a protective, impermeable barrier. Barriers must be single-use and discarded after each client.
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