NEHA January/February 2023 Journal of Environmental Health

Invest in Yourself With the NEHA/AAS Scholarship

You are studying to contribute to the health and safety of your community. Apply today for the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA)/American Academy of Sanitarians (AAS) Scholarship and let us help you reach your goals! Students enrolled in a college or university with a dedicated curriculum in environmental health sciences are invited to apply for the following:͜

Dr. Sheila Davidson Pressley Undergraduate Scholarship͜ Dr. Carolyn Hester Harvey Undergraduate Scholarship͜ NEHA/AAS Graduate Scholarship Application deadline: April 15, 2023


2023 AEHAP STUDENT RESEARCH COMPETITION Environmental health students enrolled in a National Environmental Health Science and Protection Accreditation Council-accredited program with current AEHAP membership are eligible to participate in the AEHAP Student Research Competition (SRC). Up to four student winners will be selected.

For updated SRC guidelines and submission details, visit For other SRC questions, contact Please consider supporting the AEHAP SRC Fund with a one-time or recurring donation. Visit for more information.

SRC awards can include cash and travel allowances to attend the NEHA 2023 Annual Educational Conference & Exhibition. Student winners and runner ups will be invited to present at the AEHAP 2023 Student Symposium in April 2023. Submission period will open December 9, 2022. Deadline to submit is January 27, 2023.

AEHAP gratefully acknowledges the many faculty and professional volunteers who donate their time, expertise, and energy to serve as advisors and judges for the SRC competition.


January/February 2023 • Journal of Environmental Health

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