Additional Resources
Screenshot From the Video Testimonial of Jackie’s Story FIGURE 3
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Will Sponsor Its Third Annual Radon Awareness Week in January 2023
opment, and partners representing health, radiation, energy, cancer, and radon indus- try science experts. Along with developing the recently updated National Radon Action Plan 2021–2025 , CDC is engaged in ongoing eorts to meet the plan’s goals and to con- tinue to educate the public and healthcare providers. NRAP is in the process of devel- oping a communication resource portal for states and partners to share communication products and tools vetted by NRAP members. Home: An animated graphic that demonstrates the ways that radon can enter a home (https://bit. ly/32rZtkU) • Jackie’s Story: A video of lung cancer survivor and radon outreach activist, Jackie Nixon, and her pulmonologist, Dr. Maley (https:// • National Radon Action Plan webpage: A collection of resources related to the National Radon Action Plan that includes the current plan, past progress, and a list of National Radon Action Workgroup members ( action-plan-strategy-saving-lives) • Radon: Protect Yourself and Your Family: A short, 3-D animated video with basic information on radon and how to test for and reduce radon in your home ( ts16okWUrCo) • How Radon Gets Into Your • Radon website: A collection of resources on how to protect yourself and your family from radon (www. • Radon Communication Materials webpage: A collection of videos, graphics, fact sheets, and other outreach resources ( radon/communications/index.htm) • Radon Awareness Week webpage: Updated each year with the themes and activities for the week and downloadable graphics and social media messages ( radon/awareness.html)
Webinar ( learn/2022/ehnexus_webinar_01242022. htm) that featured subject matter experts Dr. Adela Salame-Alfie from CDC’s Radiation Studies Section, Dr. Thomas Golden from CDC’s Oce on Smoking and Health, and Dr. Bill Field from the University of Iowa. Each day of Radon Awareness Week had a dierent theme, downloadable graphic (Fig- ure 2), and social media messages that part- ners could use to expand their reach. CDC also sent out daily theme-based newsletters and social media through its channels. Engagement Through Videos To help encourage the public to learn more about radon, CDC developed animations and videos. A 3-D animation available in English and Spanish summarizes basic information about radon and an animated graphic shows how radon gets into the home. To help these messages resonate with more people and draw the attention of healthcare providers, CDC launched a testimonial video (Figure 3) and blog post featuring a lung cancer survivor and her pulmonologist. The video features Jackie Nixon who had never smoked and learned about high radon levels in her home after being diagnosed with lung cancer. Nixon is now the communication and mar- keting director for Citizens for Radioactive Radon Reduction. Ongoing Collaboration CDC is active on the Leadership Committee of the National Radon Action Plan (NRAP). NRAP is led by the American Lung Asso- ciation and is a 12-member public–private work group with members including the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Devel-
Example of the Different Action-Based Themes for Each Day of Radon Awareness Week FIGURE 2
easy-to-navigate information on radon, test- ing, and reduction, as well as information and targeted resources for healthcare providers and a library of communication tools. Radon Awareness Week January is National Radon Action Month. CDC sponsors Radon Awareness Week dur- ing the last week in January to bolster out- reach activities and promote new commu- nication products and tools (Figure 1). The National Center for Environmental Health within CDC leads a collaborative eort with a wide range of public health partners to provide education on radon risks. In 2022, Radon Awareness Week was kicked o with an Environmental Health Nexus
January/February 2023 • Journal of Environmental Health
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